Chapter 6: admirer

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Nu bade goodbye to Lee as he saw Net's car approaching. 

They are already on the main road going to the Villa when Net speaks. "So, how is the office visit?" 

"It was okay, Phi. I am just glad that the contract has been finally settled." Nu answers him. 

Net just nodded his head. "By the way I would like to ask if you have seen Max earlier?" 

Nu looks at him. "Yes I did. How come you know that he was there?" 

"Who would not be? Nat came in barging at the main house finding Prem. All pissed." Net shakes his head. 

"Why? What happened?" Nu asks as he reaches for his bottled water and takes a sip from it. 

"Prem, Boun and Max went to the GA Hotel because the owner of the hotel called in for them. I guess to discuss location or something like that." Net takes a U-turn and goes in the gate as it was already left open. 

"Ohhh… so that means, it is Mr. Nikolai who is going to do the speech?" Nu says. He clenches his fist as he mentions the name and it sends shivers to his spine. 

"No,not him, Prem says that there is another representative that will be attending." Net says. 

Nu remains silent. Net already parked his car in the garage. 

He took a couple of things when he noticed Nu being silent. 

"Nu? Are you okay?" He asks as he reaches for the younger's hand.

Nu comes back to his senses when Net calls his name. He smiles although it did not reach his eyes. "Yeah, I am okay Phi." He then opens the car door and goes out of the car, Net following him. 

"By the way Phi, thank you so much for picking me up." Nu says as they walk towards the main door. 

"You're always welcome! You know that I am always here ready to be of service! I won't be staying long though…" Net salutes to him. " I need to pick up my husband."

Nu laughs. "My brother is really lucky to have…" He was able to finish his sentence as he dodge a flying pillow. "What the heck!?" 

They saw Tutor and Nat bickering at each other. While Prem and Max are chasing each other around, Max is trying to avoid the pillows thrown to him. 

"I told you Nu has already decided what to sing. If we are going to force what you want we won't have much time to practice." Tutor reasons out with Nat. 

"But it is really a good song! I bet it will fit Nu's voice perfectly!" Nat whines. 

Nu put his bag on the couch as he dodge another pillow that was thrown by Prem. 

"How dare you say it in front of me. I have given him the chance! What if he saw him? Goodness knows I would strangle you Max!" Prem shouts. 

Nu takes a seat beside Boun who is reading a book, ignoring the chaos that is happening around him. 

Net followed Nu, seated beside him, then leaned his head on the sofa. "Did you leave them here already like this?" Nu whispers. 

"Nope! My husband is out, that is the reason why the house is so chaotic but it is nice to have you all here. It kills the silent vibe of the house." Net smiles. 

"Where is Amara by the way?" Nu asks. 

"In the kitchen." Boun answered him. 

"I wonder what she is cooking. Is Yim with her?" Nu asks him. 

Boun just nodded his head, still engrossed with the book that he is reading. 

“Boun, do you know what time James came out of the house?” Net asks Boun. 

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