Special Chapter 2

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Janis steps out of the car without waiting for Zen to open the door for her as they arrive at the Sunset Mansion. As she approaches the entrance, she sees that Prem and Boun have also just arrived.

"Ja!" Prem calls out to her. "Have they arrived yet?"

Janis shakes her head with a giggle. "Nope! I think my brother already has him tied down on that private island."

Boun greets Zen warmly, and soon Yim appears, accompanied by Tutor who is pushing the twins in their stroller.

Janis turns to her brother and inquires, "Where is Minnie?"

“In her room, with Sam and Syn. You better do her first before her tantrums get going.” Tutor advised her. “Where is Hia and Nu by the way?” He asks her.

“At the private Island,” Janis answered him shortly.

“And who is gonna pick them up?” Tutor asks her again. “The chopper arrived at the Sunset resort early this morning.”

“Lee is on the way to pick them up via speedboat.” Janis fished her phone from her bag and texted Lee.

All of them panic when Kaia starts to cry followed by Kai.

“Oh no.” Yim hurriedly carried the little girl, Prem was fast enough to carry Kai from the stroller.

Tutor takes a look at Kaia's diapers. “I think this wee little bubi needs a diaper change. Don't we little Kaia.” His soft tiny voice had the baby smiling. They both went ahead inside.

Prem otherwise is having difficulty calming little Kai down. “Ahhh… guys I need a little help.” He slowly dances, hoping the little one will stop crying.

Janis comes near to him and checks the diaper but it's not full yet. “Maybe he is hungry.’ She looks at her boyfriend. “Zen kindly grab the baby bottle from the bag.”

She takes Kai from Prem and walks into the sitting room. Boun sits beside Mark closing his eyes.

“What's wrong with you?” Boun asks him.

“Syn got a fever last night and I have to take care of her.” Mark answered him still with eyes closed.

“Will she be okay walking down the aisle later?” Janis asks him. She cuddled Kai who was still crying. Zen arrived and handed her the baby bottle with milk.

“She wants to. I'll just keep an eye on her during the ceremony. Just in case.” Mark answers her.

“What's wrong with Kai?” He asks her back.

“We don't know. He was crying and I'm trying to guess that he is hungry.” Janis places the nipple in front of Kai's lips but he only opens it a little and closes it back again making the milk spill a little.

Zen takes the towel and softly wipes the baby's mouth. Kai started crying again.

“I don't think he is hungry.” Janis is starting to panic. She stands up and tries to cradle him. “P'Mark. I could use some help.” She looks at Mark.

“Are the diapers not full?” Mark asks her.

“No.” Prem was the one who answered.

“What happened?” Nu hurriedly comes to Janis.

“He was crying when Kaia started to cry earlier. We were trying to figure out why he was crying but none of us could guess.” Janis worriedly informs him.

Zee hurriedly took the baby's bag and grabbed some burping cloth. Nhu sits down adjusting Kai. Zee places the newborn towel on Nhu's shoulder and hands him the burping cloth.

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