Chapter 26: Sea of stars

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“Hia!” Nu runs to Zee who is now laying on the pile of buckets. “Hia…” Nu tries to wake him up. He was guessing that Zee passed out earlier.

“Are you okay?” He asked once Zee gained back consciousness. Nu then helps him get up. 

“Nu it did move.” Zee was shaken with what happened earlier. “And it…” He swallowed hard. 

“Shh…it’s okay hia, I am here and it is no longer here.” Nu cooed. Trying to calm him down. 

He guided Zee towards a chair. They both stop when Zee groans in pain. “It hurts Nu.” He lifted his hand. It has a deep cut and blood oozing from the cutted skin. Nu panics and tries to look around for something that he can cover the wound temporarily but could not find any. 

“Come hia, let’s wash it first.” They both went to the faucet to clean the wound. Zee hissed when the water hit the open wound.

“I’m sorry.” Nu tries to hold the tears back in. He then runs back inside the greenhouse and gets the small cutting shears. He then cuts a part of his shirt. He then goes back to Zee and hurriedly wraps the cloth around the wound. 

"We need to get back to the mansion to have this check with Lee if stitches are needed." Nu drags Zee out of the greenhouse and walks towards the mansion.

"What happened?" Janis asks as soon as she meets Nu and her brother. 

"I accidentally fell off the ground." It was Zee who answered as Nu was looking where Lee was. 

"Ohooo..clumzee is in the house." Boun teases him. He then looks at Max and Tommy, "I told you he won't last 5 minutes." 

"Lee!" They all looked at Nu when he called the doc. Without saying anything with anybody he grabbed Zee. 

"What's the matter?" He asks Nu right away sensing the urgency of Nu's tone when he called him earlier. 

"Hia had a deep cut." Nu said in a cracked voice and pointed at Zee's arm. "C-can you check it if it needs stitches?" 

Lee looks at Zee who is amusedly looking at Nu while smiling. Lee then looks back at Nu. 

"I don't think he needs some stitches Nu. I think all he needs is psychiatric pills." Lee chuckled.

"Tch." Zee widened his eyes at Lee. 

"Don't worry Nu everything is gonna be okay." He reassured Nu. "You go  ahead inside  and wait for me in the sitting room. The kids are on the veranda. I'll just go to my car and grab the emergency box." 

Nu then guided Zee towards the sitting room. They sit together on the large sofa. 

"Hia…" Nu reaches out for Zee's hand but he could not say any words. It was his fault. He should not have asked Zee to do that. He knows it was too much for him.

He caressed the wounded hand softly. He could feel the pain and sting that lingers on it. 

Lee comes in and places the emergency kit on the center table. 

“Let me see.” 

Zee raised his hand, Lee removed the bandage cloth. “What hit you that it created this deep cut?” Lee asks Zee but he does not answer. 

Nu remains silent, feeling guilty as ever. He was fidgeting his hands. Lee smiles noticing this. “Did you guys have a fight that was this rough?” He chuckled. “Or you were doing something else? Didn’t know you were that rough.” He teases them.

“We did not do that!” Nu denies blushing. 

“Really? Then can you explain to me why your t-shirt is torn?” Lee asks again. He is really curious as to what happened to these two. 

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