Chapter 33: Plans and worries

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"Is everything ready?" Zee asks Nu. He was holding the baby carrier.

"Yes." Nu reaches out for the pillow in the car and puts it on the side.

Zee comes and places the twins, ensuring that the car seat is secure and safe. Minnie runs inside takes her seat and fastens her seatbelt.

Xeron and Myra come out of the house with Zen and Lee.

"Are you sure that you guys packed everything that you need?" Myra asks as she holds out her hand to Nu which the younger one gladly accepts.

"Yes, ma. We made sure of it." Nu smiles at her.

"Oh, I will surely miss you all." She was teary-eyed.

"Now, now dear. We'll visit them from time to time." Xeron pats his wife's shoulder.

"It's okay Mommy. Me and Lee will make sure that we'll get in touch with you both." Zen comes to her mother and hugs her.

"Hmmm...come on guys you're being so over dramatic. It's not like we are going abroad or something." Lee smiles at them.

"That's because you are so used to not communicating with us," Myra whines.

"This is what I have been telling you, Lee. Yet you ignore me every time." Zee comes and stands beside Nu reaches for his hand and entwines it.

Myra lets go of Nu and smiles at him.

"Since when did you remind him?" Nu whispered to Zee.

"I just want to tease him, that's all." Zee winks at him.

Nu shakes his head.

"Let's cut all the drama as we don't want you guys to still be on the road by nighttime." Xeron looks at Zee and Lee. "You both be safe while driving."

Lee and Zee nodded their heads.

They all wave to the old one, get in the car, and drive out of the mansion.

"Teerak, can you call Zen for me please," Zee asks Nu.

Nu looks at the kids in the backseat making sure that they are comfortable before picking up his phone and calling Zen.

"My little Nu?"

Zen greeted him.

"We just met each other earlier and you missed me already."

Zee's hold on the steering wheel tightened. "Oh, I sure do miss you, bunny."

Nu giggles but Zee only gives him a death glare.

"Oh! I missed you too boss...hehehe."

They both can hear Lee laugh.

"They are getting on my nerves." Zee looks at Nu.

Nu chuckled and shook his head.

"I heard that."

Zen laughs.

"Is there something that I may be of service to you both?"

"Ask your brother if it is ready," Zee instructed.

"Why do you have to let me relay it when he can hear you? tsk."

Zen said annoyed by being the bearer.

"Almost, It just needs a little refurnish, that's all. You can stay at the condo unit for now and transfer tomorrow morning"

Lee answered him.

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