Chapter 22: Is it a trick or a Treat?

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"Minnie, you have to stop moving so that we can finish this on time!" Janis tries to fix her hair. 

Everyone is busy walking to and fro. Yim is trying to calm Jude who is now crying because they are scared of what the people are wearing. Amara is trying to fix her makeup in front of the mirror. 

The rest of the boys are trying to help each other with their costumes.

"But auntie, I have been sitting here for 30 minutes now." Minnie whines. 

Nu has been listening to them bickering. He sighs and goes to them. 

"I'll take it from here, Janis." Nu holds Minnie's hair and ties it in a bun shape.

“Pa, how come you knew how to tie my hair like that?” Minnie asked him. 

New smiles and looks at her through the mirror. “I used to fix your auntie Amara’s hair in the morning when she was young.” 

“Woah! That must be so cool to have someone fix your hair in the morning.” Minnie says in amazement. “Can you do mine too?” 

Nu was taken aback from Minnie’s request. 

“Minnie you are abusing pa New already.” Tutor comes in to them and sits beside the little girl. 

Minnie lowers her head. “I’m sorry.” She whispers. 

“That’s okay. Why don’t you ask daddy Zee to do your hair?” Tutor asked her. 

Minnie pouts, “That is because I feel like my hair will all be plucked out once we finish fixing my hair.” 

Nu and Tutor laugh. “That really sounds like him.” 

“Hia is already coming!” Janis shouts in panic as the others are still inside the room. 

"Calm down Janis! Everything is gonna work just fine." Amara tries to console her. 

Max comes in bringing the stuffed hay for baby Jude's stroller. 

"You guys will have thirty minutes to wrap whatever this up." He was not able to join them yesterday so basically he is just going with the flow. 

"Okay, Hia  Tutor and Yim, you already know your places. " She hands them flashlights just in case they need it. "Minnie, please make sure that you will stay at least one meter away from dada okay? Just to make sure you are safe." 

Minnie nods her head. 

"Can you at least tell me why we are doing this before the event downstairs?" Poppy asks Janis. 

"Because the thing that I hate the most is when a person says that he will be coming yet fails to do so." She grabbed her bag. "Also it is just so fun to scare my brother sometimes." 

Poppy just shakes his head at her reasons. "Hopefully we will not land on any hospitals today." He sighs.

"Alright everyone! Five minutes left!" She claps her hand. "Everybody out except for those who will be staying." 

Nu checks baby Jude for the last time before letting Amara go. He was finally asleep, after crying. 

"Good luck guys!" Janis waves at them before leaving the room. 

"Are you ready?" Nu asks them excitedly. 

"Why do I get the feeling like you are having fun and mostly like you wanted this type of revenge so much?" Yim walks beside the sofa and sits on the kiddie chair that was placed beside it. 

"Just like what Janis said, it is fun to see him scared sometimes and it is worth it." 

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