Chapter 25: 3.5 points

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Nu was feeding July, It was already 6 in the evening and they were getting ready to close down the cafe. 

They decided to close early today because he wanted to go home early and rest or he will get another mouthful of words from his brother and sister. Jenny was not safe with his siblings' interrogation earlier today. 

Jenny also has a schedule which she did not spill Where she will go.

He heard a soft knock on the door. 

"Boss, are you busy?" Ally asks while Namping is peeking by the door. 

"No, please come in." Nu stands up and puts cat food on the table and wipes his hand with a tissue. "Sorry if I wasn't able to ask you this earlier, how was your day so far?" He asks them. 

"We are doing great, boss. We just wanted to give you something." Namping Nudges ally.
"Oh! Sorry!" She then reaches into her back pocket and hands Nu a small red jewellery pouch. 

"What is this?" Nu ask them. 

"We already got our first paycheck yesterday and we wanted to thank you for..hmmm…adopting us here in the cafe." Ally smiles at him. 

Nu smiles, "You don't really have to." He looks at the design of the bag. 

"Come Boss, open it!" Namping and Ally smiles excitedly. Nu opened the jewellery bag. 

It was a kitty paw ring. 

"How did you know?" Nu asks them.

"Well… we kinda did some research and we saw you liking it, so we thought of buying it for you as a gift."

Nu slipped it on his right ring finger. "It's so pretty. You are making me cry." He opened his arms wide, "Come on, give me a hug!"

Ally and Namping give him a hug. "Thank you so much guys!" 

"All for the best boss that we have." Ally says. 

"Ahmm…boss…" Namping pointed to the main door of the cafe.

Ally and Nu looks at Clarence who is  talking to Jenny. He then saw a black Porsche car that just parked in front of the cafe.

Minnie, Tutor, Zee and Janis come out of the car with Lee tailing them behind. 

"Ow! Why now?" Nu groaned. "Do they really have to come altogether?" 

Ally and Namping look at Nu and just smile. 

"I guess they can't get enough of your beauty boss." Namping smiles and Ally giggles. 

"Yeah, it's hard to be born this pretty." Nu sighs. Then look at both of them. "So both of you even if there are thousands of suitors that will come, make sure to choose the right one, don't follow me and deal with this type of headache, okie?" 

"Okay!" Namping and Ally salute him and they all laugh. 

Clarence was already talking to Zee outside when Nu came out from the office. 

"Pa New!!" Minnie gets up from her chair and runs to Nu and hugs him. Nu did not hesitate to carry her. 

"How is school baby?" Nu asks her. 

"It was fun! I got a star stamp in my hand but it is only one. Sam beat me again today." She pouts and Nu chuckle. 

"I am sure you will get it next time." Nu takes a seat in front of Tutor and Janis. "Why are you looking at me like that?" He asks them. 

Minnie gets down and runs to chase Prim together with Namping and Ally. 

"You did it, did you?" Janis asks him. 

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