Special Chapter

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"You think they will like me?" Nu stands in front of the mirror. He has been fixing the belt around his waist. He tied it into a bow but unsatisfied he untied it and tried to redo it again but this time he just tied it in a knot.

He groaned when he couldn't decide how to tie it and just stared at himself frustratedly.

Zee smiles, he places Kai beside Kaia who is still sleeping soundly on the extension crib that they decided to put for easier access to the twins. They had it in all the rooms that they had including in the hotel.

He comes close to Nu and grabs the belt and pulls him close to him.

"I am more than sure that they will not like you."

Nu looks at him and pouts. "You're not helping me at all."

Zee gave him a smooch. "That is because you never let me finish." He kisses him again. "They will not like you but they will love you." Zee creases his brows.

Nu looks at Zee confused as to why his reaction was like that. Thinking that Zee might as well be thinking of what other people might say in their relationship.

Two months ago, after Zee made the grandest proposal, Nu didn't know what had gotten into his fiance's head when he purposely told the press or should he point out to the reporters that he was about to get married and he would be introducing his fiancee soon.

"I knew it. You are worried too." Nu looks down. "I told you this was never a great idea..." He tries to hold back his tears. "...and this is just too soon."

"Hey." Zee panics. He raises Nu's head and wipes the tears that have fallen into his cheeks. "That was not what I was thinking about."

"Baby." He whispers. "I don't care what other people will say and I am not bothered with it if ever there is any because there is nothing far more important to me than you, us and our little ones." He kisses Nu's forehead.

Reassuring him is one of the most favourite things that Nunew loves when it comes to Zee. His simple yet comforting words soothe him in a manner that nobody else can.

"Then why are you creasing your eyebrows?" Nu asks him.

Zee bit his lip.

Damn, why does my fiancé have to be this cute?

"I was thinking of other men gawking at you and I just could not stop myself being jealous by just a mere thought of it." Zee grabs Nu much closer to him. "Now I regret doing this interview."

He lowers his head on Nu's shoulder and sighs. Nu hugged him and slowly walked towards the bed, guiding Zee along the way.

Feeling the edge of the bed, Nu lets him go, Zee willingly sits down but entraps Nu with his legs, so that he won't go far from him. "Ter, let's not do this anymore." Zee grabs Nu's hand and kisses the back of it.

"This was your idea from the very beginning, babe and the Zee Pruk I know does not go back on the words he utters in front of the public." Nu entwined their hands. "And when we are together there is nothing we can not do."

Zee smiled and they stayed like that. Holding, feeling each other's presence.

It was Nu who broke the silence. "I love you." He leans in forward and kisses him.

"I hate to break the love bubble but you guys should be out, like right now." Janis sits on the sofa, followed by Tutor.

Zee hugs Nu. "Don't you guys know how to knock?" Zee's muffled, his face covered with Nu's tummy. "Why do you always come in when everything is going into the exciting part? I hate you all."

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