Chapter 9: ghost

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Nu and Nat decided to have a little walk on the boardwalk. The lights were specially dimmed out for people who come to enjoy the view of the stars and the sky at night. 

"Let's just sit here." Nat says, not waiting for Nu's answer. 

Nu folded the tip of his pants before sitting down and dipped his feet into the water. "So, what happened to you and Phi Max?" Nu started the conversation.

"Oh please don't even get me started with it. I don't wanna talk about it." Nat says sadly. Then his mood shifts into excitement. "Let's talk about you and your little admirer." He raises his eyebrows up and down. 

Nu blushes at the thought. 

"Oi! You blushed. I know when you are blushing. You already have an idea who your admirer is, don't you?!" Nat says almost too loudly. 

"Shhh… somebody might hear you!" Nu try to tone him down. 

Nat rolled his eyes. "It's just us here and no one else." 

Nu just sighs and shakes his head. "I might have an idea who it is but I am not so sure if it is him." 

"Omgee! You have to basically tell me!!" Nat squeals. 

"I still can't tell you,jelly. I want to confirm first before I tell anyone. Because I might only be dancing with a ghost." 

Nat nodded his head. He understands where his friend stands. "If you ever need help, don't hesitate to come to me, okay?" He put his arms around Nu's shoulder. 

"Okay." Nu just smiles at his friend. 

Nu never would have expected that Nat would become his best friend. 

They were total opposites. 

Nat was a people person. Most of the time he is surrounded by famous people around the campus while he is there at the side either reading a book or just listening to music.

They started to become friends during a school play that was held by their faculty and he was forced to do it. 

"You know sometimes I wonder what is happening in the parallel universe?" Nat says looking at the sky that is filled with twinkling stars. 

Before Nu could answer. He saw Net running towards them. 

"Phi?" Nu stands up when Net comes near to them. 

"You guys have to go back to the hotel. Nat your actions are paying the consequences now. We try to calm Max down but he just won't." Net says while catching his breath. 

Nu looks at Nat. "You have to go. You know that your fiance could get so crazy when you are being like this." 

"You will not be coming?" Nat asks him. 

"I'd like to walk more. You guys can go ahead." Nu pulls the folded part of his pants. 

"Do you want me to stay and accompany you?" Net asks him. 

"No, Phi. I can manage." Nu gives a reassuring smile to him. 

"Okay, just don't stay out here too long as it is already getting late." Net reminded him. 

Nu nodded his head. 

Nat and Net left and went back to the hotel Nu decided to walk towards the trail that is familiar to him. 


Zee walks towards Nu who was talking to Yim. He hugs Nu which gains a blush from him  and a rolled eyes from Yim.

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