Chapter eight "You idiot."

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Cam's POV

As I watched Dani getting on her bike, I felt my heart breaking. I couldn't believe what was happening. She drove away, and I dropped on my knees. Tears fell down my cheeks, and I wasn't breathing normally. My muscles were contracting with every sob.

I felt my dad wrapping his hands around me. He was talking, but I couldn't hear what he was saying.

I don't know for how long I've been crying, but a car pulled up, and Izzy and Ed got out. They also rushed to my side.

They helped me up and led me inside the house.

"We've got it." I heard Izzy saying, and they led me in my room. I sat on my bed and continued sobbing.

"Cam, darling, what happened?" Izzy's hands were on my thigh, and she was kneeling in front of me.

"S...S...She" I hiccupped. "D...Dani." My lower lip trembled. " I... I think it's..." I couldn't finish this sentence.

"It's okay, it's okay. We are here for you. We love you." Ed said and rubbed circles on my back. I let out a loud sob, and Izzy pulled me into a hug.

They both hugged me tightly as I sobbed.

I cried until I fell asleep in my friend's arms.

Dani's POV

Once I got home, I thought about everything, and my heart started racing.

I just ruined my relationship with Cam over nothing, over an ex of hers.

Cam was the best thing that had happened to me, and I just ruined it with a split moment decision.

How could I be this stupid? How could I think that Cam has feelings for another girl?

The realization hit me. I just hurt Cam. She told me not to bother calling her.

Tears started streaming down my face, and I cried until I fell asleep on the couch.

Cam's POV

I woke up, and my friends were lying by my side. Izzy had her arms wrapped around me. I sat there looking at the ceiling.

I can't believe Dani still doesn't trust me. I thought we were past that, but I guess a lying shifty ex is enough to ruin our relationship.

I felt myself tearing up again. In two days we were supposed to leave for Greece and now we are not even a couple.

How could she do raised to me? How could she just leave like that.

I woke my friends up with my sobbing.

Izzy tightened her arms around me.

"She left." I chocked out.

"What happened?" Izzy asked again.

"We run into Jill and she lied that we used to be best friends and Dani and I fought and Dani wanted to leave and I told her that if she does we over."

I started sobbing again.

"She got on her bike and drove away anyway."

"Oh sweetie." Izzy said.

"This stupid bitch Jill had to open her mouth. We were never even friends."

"I know."

Now, I was also feeling a weird rage building up within my chest. I haven't felt so angry and hurt since my mum's passing.

My friends stayed with me, until 6 in the afternoon, but they had to go home eventually. They put on a movie for us to watch, but I couldn't focus.

Dani's POV

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