August 22nd, 2022

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There is a door in your house that wasn't there before

    "What??? I could have sworn that I got the recipe right!" Leanne sighed, putting her head down in frustration.

    This was the fifth time she had failed in making cupcakes, and she was starting to get annoyed.

    "Geez, its like some magical being is keeping me from following instructions or something. Hey 'Ruining My Life' fairy! Could 'ya knock it off!!!"

    Leanne kicked her owen, accidentally burning herself in the process. Just as she was about to collapse in pain and pity on the floor however, something managed to open its mouth before.

    "I'm not that bad am I?!?! Also, fairy? Really, that's the best you got???"

    Slowly looking up from her foot, Leanne turned to where she had heard the sound. A door. A door that had never once existed before that very moment. Ignoring the pain that her toe caused her, she cautiously walked towards the door, opening it slowly once she got close enough. The door was about half way open before-

    "Hey there friend!"

    Leanne screamed at the sight of this beast. It was some sort of, dragon thing??? No, thats crazy! Dragons aren't real! She's just seeing things, right?!?!

    "Wow, you'd think finally leaving your home would get you some praise, but alas, shut down by a scream again,"

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