January 11th, 2023

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free write.

im writing down random things until I can come up with something I actually want to write. Or I can just continue with this. Yeah I might end up doing that. Considering the fact that i've already written this down, I just know I wont want to delete it later. I brought a Kermit muppet in to school today. He was just supposed to shown to my English teacher, but I figured he'd have a nice time here. Of course he's already slapped someone the second we walked into class; [FRIEND] dropped my chicken express cup and I had to deal with that major sin. He's kinda doing the family guy death pose right now. i did force him into doing it, but I can just pretend like it was accidental. I wonder if the attendance people like Kermit. If I were hypothetically a teacher and I forgot to do my attendance, would they kill Kermit? Or would they kill Pen-Pen instead? I think it would be more fitting if they killed Pen-Pen considering he is my son. Not biological (wowie what a shocker) but he still is my son. "I am allergies" said [TEACHER] just now. How can you possibly be allergies? what kind of allergy are you [TEACHER]? Honestly, if I were to be an allergy, Id want to be peanut. PARTIALLY BECAUSE its the most popular, but also because it kills people. Sorry, my caps lock came on. Also I swear i'm not a killer.

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