October 19th, 2022

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"Oh dear...I was- certainly not expecting that to happen."

"Give me more Mr. Man. >:)"

"No Walter, I'm cutting you off."

"Don't worry Mr. Man, I can handle more."

"No you 100% can not Walter. Your arms are coming out of your jaw!"

"It's my mandible. What are you, uncultured?"

"No duh I am. Why else would I be selling elixirs?"

"Funsies idk."

"Oh it doesn't matter why I sell these! The only thing that matters is that you need to be cut off."

"No I don't Mr. Man. >:)"

"Yes you do! You're so far into my drinks that you can't even remember my name!"

"Wha'd ya' meannnnnn? Your name is Mr. Man! Its what Ive been calling you for forever now!"

"My name is Lewis!"

"Noooooooooooo :(((((((("

"Yes Walter!"

"Well how am I supposed to know Mr. No name man? >:("

"I'm your brother Walter!!!"


"Y'know what? I don't even know why I'm even bothering to try and convince you otherwise. Just get out before I call the cops."

"Oooooooo bold move there Lucy!"

"Its Lewis."

"If you call the cops on me, then uh oh! It seems like your little elixir trade is gonna go down the drain! How are you gonna make money now? Huh???"

"I- well- ok yeah you do have a point there. But I can refuse you anyway! It's not like I'm required to serve you."

"Ughhhhhh. I guess you have a point. I'll be on my way Linda."


"Linda, Lewis. Same thing."

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