December 12th, 2022

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"Oh thank you kind soul!" Said the man, clutching his side.

"No problem. It's the least I could do. After all, you seem very important to the plot."

"Yeah I am. Might I ask, what exactly did you do to me?"

"I- uhhh..."

I hadn't thought that far ahead about what I would say when this sort of situation arose. I couldn't say what I had actually done, there was still the chance of one of those gosh diddly darn magic enforcers watching my every move.

"I...fixed you...with my powers that are very...light?"

"...Eh, that's believable enough. I do wanna know what good giving me sideburns would get me with a stab wound in my abdomen."

"My powers consist of me healing people by giving them sideburns. It's really weird, I know, but-"

"No, I know what the sideburns do, I just want to know why you used dark magic on me."

"Wait, how did you-"

"Everyone knows that the magic of the light sideburns is only given to those of specific characteristics, and you sure don't look like a teen from *insert my school*."

I couldn't convince him now. He knew about the power I held, and there was no way to make him think otherwise.

"Ok, yes, I do have powers of the dark. Don't tell a single soul. I don't want to get caught by the magic enforcers!"

"You don't have to worry about getting caught. Especially considering you already have."

"Wait what?!"

I looked down at the guy, only to just now notice his obviously disgusting uniform.

"Augh! How did I only now realize the horrible uniform!"

"Horrible!" The guy exclaimed, "I'll have you know that these designs were made from the leaders mother!"

"Oh what! I'm sorry, I didn't actually mean it!"

"Shame on you. Disrespecting Mother Evelyn's fashion designs are more of a sin than the magic itself. You're going away for a long time."

(sideburns mentions - 3)

my old daily creative writing journalsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora