April 19th, 2023

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The snow was falling fast and I only had a couple minutes to finish the writing prompt. I was promised that the only way I was going to win my life back is to make a creative writing prompt, but the time limit was quickly approaching, and I had nothing.

"Your time is almost up Lamira." Said the ghost of Ludovico Madruzzo, "You need to make a wonderful prompt."

"I can't think Sideburns Man!! I can't concentrate when you are literally grasping me with your cold dead hands!"

Ludovico's breath hit against the back of my neck. It was honestly kind of uncomfortable, but I respect him too much to tell him to stop.

"Lamira. This is the agreement. I told you that you and your little cult can continue to write about me if you think of a convincing writing prompt, yet so far you have failed to succeed."

"Yeah I kinda regret selling my soul in that exchange."

All of the other Sideburners stood by my side cheering me on. In actuality, they really shouldn't have. I was under way too much pressure to actually make a prompt.

"Welp. The sun's finally down. You lose the bet."

I was then executed brutally by the corpse of Ludovico Madruzzo. We may never write about him again.

(okay i promise this was the last sideburns man one 😭😭)

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