November 28th, 2022

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free write. :D

The Spinone Italiano, a wonderful breed of dog fitting for a wonderful man. Colored in the most magnificent white and tan coat, this loyal companion is a joy to have in your life. I might also add, is a joy to paint.

Sometime in the 16th century, the Spinone Italiano make the breeds most prominent appearance, being immortalized as Ludovico Madruzzo's dog.

Madruzzo, also referred to as Sideburns Man, took great care of his furry little companion. He would do everything with his dog. It is unclear what the name of the Spinone was, but it is greatly assumed to be something regarding the owners most prized possession, his sideburns.

The Spinone is a breed worth cherishing to the Children Oph The Sideburns, a local group who follows Madruzzo, in which the breed made its appearance in the painting located in their place of gathering.

The Spinone Italiano is a treasure to be greatly desired. With a wonderful history, a remarkable coat, and one amazing owner, there is no doubt that this breed is absolutely influential to all.

(told you to get used to sideburns man. 💀 during this time my class legit made a cult off him, so prepare for more mentions of him.)

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