May 8th, 2023

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secret life.

Hello and welcome back to my wonderful blog, "Some Random [] Year Old Writes About Random Celebrities". Unfortunately, todays blog is going to be a little different, considering it's about my resignation. I have recently discovered that I actually found Italian Facism and lobotomized a child, so unfortunately I had to fire myself. I will no longer be writing for the "Some Random [] Year Old Writes About Random Celebrities" blog, and I will be passing the torch over to Kim Kardashian. She may not be [] years old, but she sure knows a lot about other celebrities.

Anyway, I shall be signing off now. If you are gonna miss me, don't. People will think your insane if you do.

That One Random [] Year Old That Writes About Random Celebrities

my old daily creative writing journalsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ