September 14th, 2022

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peacock at the door.

    As I yelled at every single one of my workers to get better or I'll cut their salary for the week, I heard a knock at my door. Confused I am as no one has ever dared to even touch my house, I make my way to open it. Boy did I wish I didn't.

    "Hello Richard." The peacock said with her monotone voice. In what world would it be normal to have a peacock on my front doorstep? Well, with my history it is.

    "Emily! My dear ex wife! How are you doing on this fine evening~"

    "Don't play nice with me Richard. You know I've moved on."

    Emily made herself at home, stealing my coffee and sitting at my chair by the window where I yell at all the lazy slobs who work for me.

    "So, this is what you are doing now? Hm. Should have known you would be the one to partake in such child's play."

    "Child's play? They work for me! I picked them straight off the street like you said and everything-"

    "Richard, didn't I tell you the first day we met that I won't be helping you financially? Did you really think I actually gave you advice on business?"

    As flashbacks played in my mind of that fateful day, I realized she was right.

    "Ok, you made me all depressed now. What could you possibly want?"

    "I want the farm Richard."

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