October 7th, 2022

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    "General Pen-Pen! We're under attack!" Cried Commander Carbs.

    "Don't worry Carbs, I know we will win."

    "But Pen-Pen, all the others have fallen! We're outnumbered now!"

    Pen-Pen looked at all of the fallen victims of the war. Sandwich, M O N K E, Nicolas Cage pillow who's real name shall not be uttered, all of them, gone. The Soft Cuddly Things War had reached its peak, with the Prickly Sharp Things coming after their enemies with no hesitation. They didn't need to hesitate, they were destined to win.

    "Carbs," General Pen-Pen said, "It's not too late to swoop back in dominate them. They're just charging at us and waiting for us to flee. We need a plan to-"

    "Oh don't you get it Sir!" Carbs cried, "All of us are destined for death! We can't retaliate, we can't wait them out, and we don't have enough time for a strategy! We can't win!"

    "That's enough out of you."

    "That's enough of me? That's enough of you! I'm sick of hearing you go on and on about how you know what your doing. I'm done! We might as well just sit here and wait to die!"

    "...if that's what you want Carbs."

my old daily creative writing journalsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora