January 20th, 2023

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the first ever story lol

SideburnElla was a beautiful young lady man thing, although its sisters would always ignore such great beauty.

"You cant be beautiful!" Said one of the sisters who isn't important enough to be named, "Your sideburns are too much of a man!"

"But I am a man, sort of kind of," SideburnElla said.

"Your uncertainty tells me that you ain't a man whatsoever. You are a darn tootin woman and you will hold yourself to that standard!" Said the other sister who was weirdly southern.

SideburnElla hung his...her...its head down and walked back to its bedroom.

"If my family doesn't want to respect me for my beauty, then I will forcibly steal their beauty."

SideburnElla then proceeded to rip off its sister's faces and place it on its own because the oldest stories are always the ones with the darkest endings.

(sideburns mention - 4)

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