January 20th, 2023

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Which one did come first? That is the question the prompt right in front of me. The two images shown dont even look like the same place. Literally, the terraform is completely different. The only way these could ever possibly be th same place is if the picture on the right came first. Although technically the one on the left could have came first if it were a really long transformation. If it were instantaneous then it would have to be the right from the intricate landscaping on the left. How were they able to make circles out of the land? And whe are there so many??? There is absolutely no way the photo on the right isn't the artificial one. Left, I meant left. This setting could honestly be an interesting book idea. Instead of a utopia forming into a dystopia, it could be the other way around. A man could have just been going on a walk around his neighboorhood and accidentally stumble upon this mass volcanic area. And intsead of freaking out like a normal person would, he just kinda- turned it back to normal. What if it didnt go back to Normal? What if the photo on the right was actually the normal side and every other area around it is modernized to be completely unrecognizable from what it originally was? What if these photos could actually represent how the earth is changing right in front of our eyes but in some twisted metaphor way???

And also why are there deer? idk it just kinda thought it was weird for them to be there.

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