January 13th, 2023

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i have no clue.

what. I get 15 minutes to write about something like this? I write pretty weird stuff, but I have absolutely no clue how to make heads or tails of this. I mean, cake, demons, capitalism, and unicorns?!? Like what???

But I guess im forced to.

The capitalist unicorns scowled around, trying not to be spotted by the demons.

"Y'know, we really should have chosen a better secret mission name. Capitalist Unicorns just doesn't really roll off the tongue," One member (yes his name is actually one member) said.

"Shut it. My mommy picked it out for me! >:(" said Lucifer.

"Why are we even doing this in the first place??"

"Because those pesky demons stole my cake!"

"Oh! So thats why you risked both of our lives and dragged us down to hell! Got it, that makes perfect sense."

Little did Lucifer and One Member know, the demons had been watching the two of them argue this entire time...plot twist. 😱

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