April 10th, 2023

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you went back in time lol.

    As soon as I had stepped into the Time Machine once again, my consciousness quickly faded into another life form.

    "Thank goodness I got myself out of that one. If they had known that I was the one who committed those war crimes, I'd be a dead man."

    "Abraham, what are you talking about?" The woman sitting next to me asked, slightly shocked, "You know you aren't allowed to do that right?!"

    Crap, I talked about the future without even looking around at first. I had to think of a way to get out of this mess and quick.

    "Oh! Don't you worry about it my-... are you my wife?"


    "-my dear wife! I'm just spouting random nonsense!"

    "Alright then, but we probably shouldn't talk anymore, especially with the beautiful play in the back."

    Play? I was in a theater? I hadn't even gotten a chance to really look around, so I examined the area I was in.

    Wait. I know where I am.

    Something similar to this has happened to me before, in which I've become a person about to face grave danger, but I can confidently say I've never been in that situation as a famous historical figure before. Although now I suppose I could say that I have been Abraham Lincoln before.

    "Yes, the play! This production is absolutely wonderful, although I wish to continue the conversation. Perhaps we can step outside?"

    "If it's really that important to you, then we shall."

    Me and my wife left the theater. To her, that may have just been a normal night, but deep down, I'll know that I ultimately changed the course of history.

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