February 27th, 2023

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i went crazy in a cave.

Cave noise go brrr lol. I have no clue what to write, my mind has just been plagued with the thought of James Charles and ketchup. Did you know ketchup could expire? Well I certainly didn't. I don't believe it actually, but alas it's true. Does James Charles like ketchup? I tried searching it up but the only things I got were news about his cancellation and a tweet he sent in 2016 saying, "There are two types of people in the world, people who put their ketchup on the side of their fries to dip them, and Satan worshipers." I like the fact that we are on the same page when it comes to ketchup. Thankfully not anything else though.

What were to happen if I just left an open ketchup packet in a cave? The most I can think of is just bats eating it. Teehee bats eating ketchup is funny. Can bats eat ketchup? Once again, didn't get anything when I searched it up. I mean, I don't think anyone is willing to run an experiment on whether bats can ingest ketchup or not. I did find stuff on cats though. They cannot.

KETCHUP. (Sorry my caps was on lol) Ketchup. Ketchup. Ketchup. Ketchup. Ketchup doesn't seem like a real word anymore. Is that really how you spell ketchup? I've never known how to spell it before today. I now know how to spell ketchup.

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