❀twenty four

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"Come in"

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"Come in"

Madison and Ray are here, they call a few hours ago saying they wanted to see me.

They walk inside carrying plastic bags full of food, taking their shoes off they come to the living room and take a sit.

"What are you guys doing here, it's 8pm?" I ask, I mean we haven't been hanging out as much lately.

"We brought you food" Maddy says excitedly as she say down on the floor, Ray sat on the sofa playing with her phone.


"Because you barely eat and since I was gone i figured you'd be skipping meals as usual" Maddy say opening the boxes of McDonald's and spreading them on the floor.

"Ray go get glasses for the drinks" she says looking at her, Ray groans but proceeds to go to the kitchen and get them.

"Hey what's all this?' Ray asks from the kitchen, we both get up and follow her to see what she's talking about.

"Oh.my.god" is all Maddy says before turning to look at me "you finally went grocery shopping and made... this?" She looks at the fish on the container..

"You made this?" Ray asks in disbelief and I shake my head as no "Ethan was here" I tell her looking down.

"He cooked for you?" I nod my head again "I thought you guys just fucked, he doesn't look the type to care for people, especially your type" Ray says making Maddy sigh.

"That's what I thought too but he's kinda sweet" I walk back to the living room with them, Ray carrying the glasses in her hands.

Settling them down on the wooden table, we all sit down on the floor except for Ray, she says it's too worn out for her liking. Which is understandable because she's a very rich kid.

"I meant to talk to you guys about it" I tell them as we start to eat the food, Maddy nods her head as go ahead signal and I start to tell them everything.

"Now I don't understand what he really wants from me, it's very confusing you know, one second he treats me like I'm nothing special and the second he makes me lunch, I don't get it"

Maddy looks at me for minute not saying anything "just go with it"


"Just go with the flow, it's the last year of high school right, don't stress about it, if he wants to fuck, fuck if he wants to treat you like a princess, go for it" Maddy mutters a piece of chicken in her mouth.

"Yah, he'll probably use you but go for it" Ray interferes again making both of us laugh.

"Don't stress, you guys are fake right then continue acting like it just enjoy the life for now after all it's gonna get hectic after highschool" Maddy says again and I nod.

She's right after highschool it's going to be hectic, my career my studies everything. I'll enjoy whatever life puts in my way that's good for now.

But I still can't get out the way he treats me or treated me it's new especially from a guy, could he really be worried that he won't get anyone to fuck if I die or is it something else?

My thoughts are interrupted by a hard smack, I look up to see Ray holding her head in pain "hey why'd you hit me?" She asks looking at Maddy.

"We agreed to give gabs the big pieces because she barely eats, why are you taking them?" Rays groans in annoyance before settling the piece down and grabbing another one.

I don't say anything, I take a piece as the Netflix finishes loading and we starts to watch our favorite series.



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