4. Valerie and Hogwarts

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September 1975

The Great Hall is a sea of faces, each filled with anticipation and excitement. The Sorting Hat has already completed its annual task, and the students are now settled into their respective houses, their conversations filling the air with a vibrant buzz. I navigate the crowd, my eyes scanning the sea of faces for familiar ones.

Eveline catches my eye from the Slytherin table, offering a wink and a playful wave. Pandora, engrossed in conversation with her fellow Ravenclaws, raises a hand in acknowledgement. I return their gestures with a smile, grateful for our friendship that seems to make a bridge between the different houses.

Spotting an empty space at the Gryffindor table, I join my roommate Mary. She greets me with a warm smile, her excitement for the year ahead evident in her eyes.

"Valerie, how was your summer?" Mary asks, her tone friendly.

I nod, mirroring her smile. "It was good, what about yours?"

We engage in light conversation, discussing the summer adventures and the excitement that always accompanies the start of a new school year. As the chatter around us gradually subsides, Dumbledore's voice rises, capturing the attention of the entire hall.

I turn my gaze towards the head table, where Dumbledore stands, his presence commanding the room. His speech, though filled with wisdom and significance, is not enough to stave off the touch of boredom that seeps into my thoughts. I've heard similar speeches before, year after year. My mind begins to drift, the words blending into a gentle background hum.

My thoughts stray to the challenges and responsibilities that lie ahead as a prefect, the partnership with Regulus that has the potential to be both intriguing and complex. The buzz of conversation from the various tables seems to form a tapestry of sound, a reminder that we are all part of this vibrant community.

As Dumbledore's speech continues, punctuated by the occasional applause or reaction from the students, I catch snippets of his words—a call for unity, the importance of friendship, and the magic that resides in the bonds between us. While my initial feelings lean towards boredom, I'm also aware that Dumbledore's messages hold a truth that echoes through the very foundation of Hogwarts.

Eveline and Pandora catch my eye again from their respective tables, their expressions reflecting a mixture of curiosity and amusement.

As the feast commences and the platters of food appear, I share a knowing smile with Mary. The feast is a celebration, a communal gathering that marks the beginning of another chapter at Hogwarts. As laughter, chatter, and the clinking of glasses fill the air, I take a moment to soak in the atmosphere.

The Great Hall is alive with the sounds of conversation and laughter as the feast continues. Plates are piled high with delicious dishes, and the air is filled with the aroma of a sumptuous meal. I sit a few seats down from my brother James, who is enthusiastically diving into his food with the kind of gusto that's a characteristic of him.

"James," I hiss in a low voice, shooting him a disapproving look.

He looks up, a piece of bread hanging out of his mouth as he chews. "Whaff?"

I roll my eyes, trying not to let his antics get to me. "Must you eat like a wild boar? We're not in the Forbidden Forest."

He grins, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, and swallows his mouthful before replying. "What can I say? I have a healthy appetite. Also, I see myself more like a beautiful stag"

I shake my head in mock exasperation, turning my attention back to my plate. It's in moments like these where I wonder why I'm related to him.

As the feast continues, my attention is diverted once again when I notice James straightening up and adjusting his hair with a self-satisfied smirk. I follow his gaze to the other end of the Gryffindor table, where sits. She's engaged in conversation with her friends, her red hair catching the light.

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