31. Valerie and powers

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January 1976

With a deep breath, I manage to nod, my throat feeling dry as I attempt to find my voice. "Yes, Professor Dumbledore," I reply, my words carrying a mix of uncertainty and a plea for answers.

He gestures for me to rise, and I do so slowly, my legs feeling shaky beneath me. As I stand, I become acutely aware of the magic that still seems to thrum within me, a reminder of the inexplicable event that just occurred. The mist around us seems to shimmer, caught in a dance of anticipation.

Dumbledore begins to walk, and I follow him, my steps unsure but determined. The silence between us is heavy with unspoken questions, and I wonder what he knows, what he can possibly tell me about the cacophony of voices in my head and the raw surge of magic that erupted from within me.

We move away from the misty surroundings and walk all the way to his office. He takes a sit and motions for me to do the same.

"Miss Potter," he begins, his eyes holding a depth of knowledge that unnerves me, "what you experienced just now, the release of such powerful magic coupled with the voices you hear... it is not an ordinary occurrence. It is a phenomenon that has only been spoken of in hushed whispers."

I listen intently, my heart pounding as I struggle to make sense of his words. "What does it mean?" I ask, my voice barely above a whisper. "Why is this happening to me?" I ask not bothering to question how he knows about the voices.

Dumbledore's gaze remains steady, his blue eyes filled with a mixture of sympathy and something else—a hint of urgency. "What you possess is both a gift and a challenge. It's a rare form of magic known as Legilimency, the ability to hear and interpret the thoughts and emotions of others."

My mind whirls as I absorb his words. Legilimency? The term seems to echo in my thoughts, familiar yet distant. "You mean... I can hear other people's thoughts?" I inquire, my voice trembling.

Dumbledore nods. "Yes, though it's far more intricate than that. What you experienced just now was a manifestation of your Legilimency, magnified by your own emotions. Your empathy, your magical energy, and your emotional state combined to create a powerful surge."

As his explanation sinks in, my thoughts race. The whispers, the voices—it all makes sense now. But I can't help but feel overwhelmed by the enormity of it all. "What... what do I do? How do I control it?" I ask, my anxiety palpable.

Dumbledore's gaze softens, his expression reassuring. "Control will come with time and guidance. I can teach you to harness your Legilimency, to shield your mind from the influx of thoughts and emotions. But know this, Valerie—it is a gift that requires great responsibility."

Dumbledore's explanation hangs in the air, leaving me with a mix of understanding and frustration. My mind races, and a question that has been gnawing at me since this all began escapes my lips before I can stop it.

"Why has this power never shown itself before today?" I ask, my voice edged with both curiosity and a touch of irritation.

Dumbledore's gaze shifts, his eyes directing my attention to my own wrist—the very spot where the bracelet my family gave me used to be. My eyes widen as I start connecting the dots.

"It's a result of the bracelet," Dumbledore says, his voice a calm undertone to my racing thoughts. "When you were a child, your parents sought my counsel about the headaches and the voices you were experiencing. I provided them with the bracelet as a temporary solution, a way to shield your mind from the influx of thoughts and emotions."

I process his words, a mix of emotions swirling within me. I remember those headaches, the times I would clutch my head in pain and confusion. And yet, a wave of resentment rises as I consider the fact that this information was kept from me for so long.

Starry Serendipity || R.A.BOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora