16. Valerie and Evan

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December 1975

The weekend arrives, bringing with it a sense of both trepidation and curiosity. As I make my way to the designated meeting spot for detention, I can't shake off the nagging feeling that this might turn out to be more eventful than I anticipate.

The four of us—Evan, Regulus, Eveline, and I—are instructed to clean some of the neglected corners of the potions classroom. It's a task that's supposed to teach us a lesson about responsibility and teamwork, but I can't help but feel that there's more to this arrangement than meets the eye.

Evan greets me with a friendly smile when I arrive, his easygoing demeanor putting me slightly at ease. Regulus, on the other hand, is standing with his arms crossed, his expression distant and aloof. Eveline offers me a quick nod, her sharp eyes assessing the situation.

"We'll start over there," Evan suggests, pointing to a dusty shelf laden with forgotten potion ingredients. He grabs a rag and starts wiping the surface, setting an example for the rest of us.

I nod, grateful for the opportunity to focus on the task at hand. I join him, grabbing a rag and getting to work. For a while, the four of us work in silence, each lost in our own thoughts. It's not until Evan cracks a joke about the state of the potions classroom that a faint smile tugs at the corners of my lips.

Eveline and I exchange a glance, and I can see a spark of amusement in her eyes. Regulus, however, remains stubbornly silent. His presence is a constant reminder of our ongoing disagreements, and it's hard to ignore the tension that hangs in the air whenever he's near. Despite my attempts to keep my focus on the task, my mind keeps drifting back to our arguments and the reasons behind them.

As the minutes tick by, the room becomes a little cleaner, and the silence starts to feel suffocating. Evan's attempts at lightening the mood are met with minimal responses from Regulus, and I find myself caught in the middle of their unspoken conflict.

"Evan, could you pass me that vial over there?" I ask, my voice deliberately cheerful in an attempt to bridge the gap.

He obliges. "Sure thing, Val.".

As he passes me the vial, a playful glint in his eyes, I can't help but return his smile. The tension in the room seems to lift momentarily as we exchange light banter. It's a relief to have a moment of lightheartedness amidst the weight of our disagreements.

"Thanks, Evan. You're a lifesaver," I tease, my voice carrying a hint of flirtation. It's harmless, meant to be taken in jest, but the way he chuckles in response sends a warm rush to my cheeks.

Regulus, however, seems to have reached his limit. His sudden outburst startles both Evan and me. "Are you two done with your little act?" he snaps, his tone dripping with annoyance.

Eveline quickly steps in, her voice a soothing attempt to defuse the situation. "Reg, calm down. They're just having some fun."

But Regulus is having none of it. "Fun? Flirting in the middle of detention? Is this what you think is appropriate, Valerie?"

My cheeks flush with a mixture of embarrassment and frustration. "Regulus, there's nothing wrong with a little banter. It's not like we're causing any harm."

He scoffs, his eyes narrowing. "Oh, I see. So you enjoy leading people on, do you?"

My patience wears thin, and I retort, "Leading people on? That's a bit dramatic, don't you think?"

Eveline's attempts to mediate only seem to fan the flames. As she tries to reason with Regulus, the argument escalates further, our voices growing louder with each exchanged barb.

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