12. Valerie and Halloween

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Halloween 1975

As Halloween descends upon Hogwarts, the corridors transform into a magical spectacle of enchantment. The stone walls are adorned with fluttering bats, floating pumpkins, and flickering candles that cast a warm and eerie glow. Cobwebs drape delicately along the edges, and ghostly figures drift by, adding to the otherworldly atmosphere.

Excitement bubbles in the air like a potion on the verge of boiling over. Random students dart through the corridors, their faces painted with anticipation and mischief. Some wear costumes that range from whimsical to spooky—witches, wizards, ghosts, and even a couple of brave souls dressed as mythical creatures. Laughter echoes as groups huddle together, finalizing their plans for the evening's festivities.

As I make my way towards the Great Hall, the anticipation courses through me as well. The grand double doors swing open to reveal a breathtaking sight. The entire hall is transformed into a realm of wonder, with enchanted ceilings resembling a starry night sky, and floating jack-o'-lanterns casting a warm and inviting light.

Clusters of students are gathered around, their animated chatter mixing with the gentle melody of eerie music played by a ghostly orchestra. The long tables are laden with a feast that seems to span every corner of the magical world—cauldron cakes, pumpkin pasties, and treats that defy ordinary description.

Amid the decorations, the laughter, and the joyous chaos, I feel a sense of belonging that's uniquely Hogwarts.

The Marauders, as they call themselves, have truly outdone themselves with their costumes this Halloween. I can't help but chuckle at the sight they present—each of them transformed into boisterous and adventurous pirates.

James stands at the center, his hair tied back with a bandana that matches the deep shade of his crimson jacket. A faux parrot perches on his shoulder, squawking in perfect mimicry of his voice. His smile is as bright as ever, and his mock swordplay with Remus is a testament to his playful spirit.

Remus, the quintessential bookworm among us, has embraced the pirate's attire with a touch of scholarly elegance. His jacket is trimmed with intricate embroidery, and he sports a tricorn hat perched slightly askew. With a wink and a grin, he brandishes a quill as if it were a cutlass, much to the amusement of his friends.

Sirius embodies the essence of a rogue with his rakish charm. His black vest and loose shirt give him an air of effortless rebellion, and the twinkle in his eyes is nothing short of mischief incarnate. A leather eyepatch covers one eye—purely for theatrical effect, as he's far from injured—and he saunters around as if he owns the ship.

And then there's Peter, who seems to have taken the role of the jovial shipmate to heart. His colorful outfit is a riot of mismatched pieces, and he enthusiastically waves a comically oversized map that he occasionally confuses for a treasure chest. His infectious laughter rings out as he joins the mock swordfight, his energy infusing even more life into their pirate crew.

As I watch from the outskirts of the bustling Great Hall, I can't help but notice the way their presence captures the admiration of many—a collection of girls from across the school who gaze at them with a mixture of fascination and adoration.

James's effortless confidence and natural charm seem to draw glances from every corner. Girls steal quick glances at him, their eyes lingering on his chiseled features and the way he carries himself with a dash of roguish charm. The parrot on his shoulder squawks on cue, sending ripples of laughter through the crowd and further cementing his role as the center of attention.

Yet, it's Sirius who commands the most attention, his magnetic charisma undeniable. His dark and brooding pirate look, complete with the leather eyepatch and that signature smirk, is like a siren's call to those around him. Girls whisper excitedly, their cheeks tinged with pink as they catch his eye. His every move is scrutinized—the casual flick of his hair, the playful banter he engages in, and the way he moves with the grace of someone born to be noticed.

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