7. Valerie and potions

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September 1975

The Potions classroom hums with its usual blend of anticipation and nervous energy as students settle into their seats. Professor Slughorn's classes are always a mix of excitement and trepidation, and today is no different. I find my usual spot, glancing around for Eveline, but my heart sinks when I realize the seating arrangement has been changed.

As if sensing my unease, Eveline sends me an apologetic smile from her new spot across the room. I sigh inwardly, my gaze shifting to the front of the class where Professor Slughorn stands. He's beaming, clearly pleased with himself for the change he's implemented.

"Good morning, my young alchemists!" Professor Slughorn's voice booms, and I can't help but smile despite my reservations. His enthusiasm is infectious, after all.

"Now, let's see how this new arrangement spices up our class a bit, shall we?" he continues, his eyes twinkling as he surveys the room. "Remember, connections and teamwork are key in the world of potions!"

As he lists off the new seating pairs, my heart skips a beat when he announces my name alongside Regulus Black's. Of all the people I could've been paired with, fate seems to have a knack for testing me.

Swallowing my apprehension, I turn towards my new partner. Regulus's expression is carefully neutral, his gaze meeting mine with an almost imperceptible nod. There's an unspoken understanding that we need to find a way to work together, at least within the confines of this class if we can't do that during prefect rounds.

"Alright then, pairs, if you could move to your new seats," Professor Slughorn cheerily instructs, his wide smile making it clear that he's enjoying this rearrangement more than anyone.

I gather my things and move to the desk next to Regulus, my heart pounding louder with every step. We're not friends, far from it, but there's a sense of determination within me to make this situation work.

"Potter," Regulus's voice breaks the silence, and I turn to face him. His expression is unreadable, his tone neutral. "Let's just get through this, alright?"

I nod, my own tone equally composed. "Agreed."

With that simple exchange, an unspoken truce is established. We might not see eye to eye, but at least for the duration of this class, we can set our differences aside and focus on the task at hand. As the lesson begins, I find myself surprised by how smoothly we navigate the instructions, each of us contributing in our own way.

The atmosphere in the Potions classroom is intense as Regulus and I work together on the complex potion. We measure ingredients, stir meticulously, and follow the instructions with unwavering focus. Surprisingly, the initial tension between us seems to have subsided, replaced by a cautious teamwork.

As the final steps approach, a sense of satisfaction starts to wash over me. We've managed to navigate the intricate process without any major mishaps. The potion is taking on the desired color and consistency—everything seems to be going perfectly. But, as with all things in potions, it's the final moments that can make or break the outcome.

"Potter, add the dragon's scale extract slowly," Regulus's voice is steady as he passes me the vial. I take it with a nod, using the dropper to add the extract drop by drop.

A small smile tugs at the corners of his lips, the first genuine one I've seen from him. "Nice and steady. You're doing well."

I can't help but feel a sense of pride at his compliment, and for a moment, the tension that had initially defined our interactions feels like a distant memory. It's strange how the shared pursuit of success can bridge gaps and erase differences.

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