42. Valerie and exams

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June 1976

As the dreaded day of the Charms OWL exam approaches, I find myself buried beneath a mountain of textbooks and notes, poring over spells and incantations until the words blur together like a swirling cauldron of confusion. The Hogwarts library has become my second home, and I've shared many late nights with the flickering candlelight and the ghosts of students past who haunt the dusty shelves.

The Charms exam, considered one of the most challenging among the Ordinary Wizarding Levels, is an intricate dance of wand movements, incantations, and precise timing. It's the moment of truth for any aspiring witch or wizard, and the weight of the impending examination hangs heavily over me.

The day of the exam dawns bright and clear, the castle bathed in the soft, golden light of early morning. As I walk to the classroom, I can't help but feel a flutter of nervousness in my stomach. I clutch my wand tightly in my hand, the wood smooth and familiar beneath my fingertips.

The Charms classroom is filled with rows of wooden desks, each equipped with a small cauldron and a stack of parchment. The students around me are equally tense, their faces pale and eyes darting nervously from side to side. Professor Flitwick, a tiny figure at the front of the room, adjusts his stack of exam papers and clears his throat.

"Welcome, students, to your Charms OWL exam," he says with a warm but slightly nervous smile. "Today, you will be tested on a variety of charms, from the simplest to the most complex. You will need to demonstrate your knowledge of wand movements, incantations, and practical spellcasting."

The exam begins with a written portion, a series of questions that test our theoretical knowledge of charmwork. My quill scratches against the parchment as I answer questions about the history of the Levitation Charm, the properties of various wand woods, and the magical properties of certain common objects.

Next comes the practical portion, the part I've been both dreading and eagerly anticipating. We are each called up one by one to demonstrate our proficiency in spellcasting. I watch as my fellow students perform spells with varying degrees of success and anxiety. A few wands emit sparks, while others produce only a feeble flicker of light.

Finally, it's my turn. I step up to the front of the classroom, my heart pounding in my chest. The professor smiles kindly at me, his silver hair gleaming in the soft classroom light.

"Ms. Potter, please demonstrate the Levitation Charm."

I take a deep breath and raise my wand, focusing all my concentration on the incantation and the precise wand movements I've practiced countless times. "Wingardium Leviosa," I say firmly, swishing and flicking my wand in the prescribed motion.

To my immense relief, the feather on the desk in front of me begins to rise into the air, hovering in a graceful arc. I maintain my concentration, keeping the feather suspended for the required amount of time, and then gently lower it back to the desk. The examiner nods approvingly, and I return to my seat with a sense of accomplishment.

The exam continues, each charm presenting its own unique challenges. The hours seem to stretch on endlessly, and by the time we're finished, I'm mentally and physically drained.

I leave the classroom with a mix of relief and trepidation. As I step out into the corridor, I spot my best friends waiting for me. Their faces are a mixture of curiosity and concern.

"Val! How did it go?" Dora asks eagerly, her Ravenclaw robes billowing as she rushes over to me.

I take a deep breath, trying to calm my racing heart. "Well, I didn't accidentally set anything on fire, so I'd call that a win. How did yours go?" I reply with a small grin.

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