6. Valerie and her birthday

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September 1975

On the morning of September 8th, I wake up with a flutter of excitement in my chest. Today is my birthday, and I can't help but feel a surge of happiness as I dress and head down to the Great Hall for breakfast. The aroma of food fills the air, and the cheerful chatter of my fellow students adds to the festive atmosphere.

As I enter the Great Hall, my gaze sweeps over the Gryffindor table, and I'm met with a chorus of greetings from my friends. "Happy birthday, Val!" James calls out, a wide grin on his face.

"Thank you, James!" I reply, returning his grin. The genuine warmth in his voice is enough to set the tone for the day.

Eveline and Pandora, though not in Gryffindor with me, still manage to catch my eye from their respective tables. They wave and offer bright smiles, their well-wishes reaching me even across the space that separates us.

Taking my seat at the Gryffindor table, I can't help but notice anfamiliar owl perched nearby, a letter attached to its leg. My heart skips a beat as I realize that it's likely a birthday letter from my parents. I reach out, offering the owl a small treat before carefully removing the letter.

Unfolding the parchment, I'm greeted by the familiar handwriting of my parents, their words carrying the warmth of home.

"Dear Valerie,

Happy birthday, our dear daughter! We hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. On this special day, we want you to know how much joy you've brought into our lives since the day you were born. It's incredible to think of the young woman you're becoming, full of determination and kindness.

We wish we could be there with you to celebrate in person, to see the smile on your face as you open this letter. But even though we're miles apart, know that our thoughts and love are with you always.

Enclosed, you'll find a little something to treat yourself. We trust you'll use it wisely, perhaps to purchase a new book or indulge in a sweet treat. Enjoy your day, Valerie, and never forget how much you mean to us.

With all our love, Mom and Dad"

As I read their words, my heart swells with emotion. It's a comfort to feel their love even this far away. Folding the letter and tucking it away safely, I turn my attention back to the breakfast spread before me. The hall is abuzz with activity, friends celebrating with one another.

As I sit at the Gryffindor table, lost in the warmth of my parents' letter, I'm suddenly jolted from my thoughts by a chorus of laughter and commotion. Startled, I glance around to see what's causing the ruckus, only to find my brother, Remus, Peter, and Sirius standing nearby, wearing mischievous grins that set off alarm bells in my mind.

Before I can react, a shower of colorful confetti rains down on me, sticking to my robes and settling in my hair. My eyes widen in surprise, and I can't help but laugh as I realize that I've just fallen victim to a well-executed prank.

"Happy birthday, Valerie!" James exclaims, his grin widening.

"Gotcha!" Remus adds, his eyes dancing with amusement.

I look down at myself, the confetti clinging to me. Sirius and Peter burst into laughter, their eyes twinkling with mischief. It's then that I notice the cake sitting before me, decorated with candles that spell out "Happy Birthday."

"We couldn't let the day go by without a little celebration," Sirius says, his grin infectious.

Peter chimes in, his voice gleeful. "And what's a birthday without a bit of fun?"

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