36. Valerie and Valentine's Day

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February 1976

The past school week has finally given way to Saturday, and now it's none other than Valentine's Day. Mary and I make our way to the Great Hall, where a delightful chaos of decorations unfolds before us. The hall is awash with hearts, roses, and cheeky-looking cupids, all seemingly plotting some sort of playful mischief.

I can't help but grin at the sight. "Hogwarts is certainly embracing the spirit this year," I remark.

Mary chuckles, her eyes dancing over the hall's vibrant decorations. "Indeed, it seems so. Just look at those mischievous little cupids up there." She points to the ceiling where the cherubic figures hang, their expressions carrying a hint of cheekiness. "They look like they're up to something."

I join in the laughter, agreeing with her assessment of the playful cupids. "You're right. They do seem like they're brewing some pranks. Let's hope they spare us their love arrows today."

Mary playfully rolls her eyes. "Absolutely. I have quite enough on my plate without adding magical love potions to the mix." We share a knowing look, both of us well aware of our busy schedules and the impending exams.

As we continue our stroll into the Great Hall, our conversation turns to the plans for the day. Valentine's Day at Hogwarts typically involves a mix of romantic gestures and student pranks, and we're well-prepared for whatever surprises the day may hold. With a teasing smile, Mary turns to me, curiosity dancing in her eyes. "So, Val, are you secretly expecting any admirers today?"

I chuckle, shaking my head. "You know me, Mary. I'm here for the chocolate frogs and butterbeer. Secret admirers can wait." We share a laugh, fully aware that as much as we appreciate the sentiment of the day, our priorities lie elsewhere.

I find myself lost once again admiring all the decorations. Hearts and roses dangle from the enchanted ceiling, casting a warm, rosy hue over the entire hall.

Since I'm still learning how to control my ability, being in such a crowded and emotionally charged place is quite challenging. But I've been working on it, focusing on maintaining a mental barrier to block out the influx of emotions and thoughts from those around me.

As I chat with Mary, I can't help but notice the entrance of the Marauders. A gaggle of giggling girls trails behind them, each one hoping to capture their attention. I can't help but smile at the spectacle, though I have to admit, it's a bit amusing to watch.

They don't stand a chance. James is madly in live with Lily, Sirius and Remus... well they are together and Peter, Peter is too shy to accept an offer from some random girl.

James struts down the aisle with a certain swagger, causing the entire room to turn its attention toward him. I can't help but shake my head; I've seen him pull off these grand gestures before, and they rarely end well.

James makes his way toward the spot near Mary and me, his target in plain sight: Lily Evans. She arches an eyebrow, her green eyes sparkling with a hint of annoyment, fully aware of what's about to transpire.

With an exaggerated flourish, James clears his throat, projecting his voice so that the entire hall can hear. "Lily pad," he begins dramatically, "I must ask you a question of utmost importance."

I can't help but roll my eyes. James and his theatrical antics – you'd think that after six years of being refused by the same redhead girl he'd understand that this startegies don't work with her.

Lily, looking wary, turns her attention toward James. "What is it, James?"

James takes a deep breath, unfazed by her skepticism. "My deer Lily flower," he declares, "will you be my Valentine and honor me with your presence this lovely day?"

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