46. Valerie and Diagon Alley

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August 1976

As the new school year approaches, there's an undeniable excitement in the air, particularly among James and Sirius, who are entering their final year at Hogwarts. Diagon Alley bustles with shoppers, and we're all here to gather the necessary school supplies.

Walking alongside them, their enthusiasm is infectious. They share plans for their last year. Plans that are obviously filled with pranks, Quidditch victories, and, undoubtedly, more mischief than ever. Their happiness is unbreakable, and it's clear that they intend to savour every moment of their final year.

I, too, am looking forward to returning to Hogwarts, but a sense of longing tugs at my heart. Despite the joyful atmosphere around me, I can't help but miss my friends from Slytherin House. I remember Pandora's letter, the worry and fear that permeated her words. It's been too long since I've heard from them.

Mary and I have exchanged a few letters during the summer, but the others gave me radio silence. I'm not surprised, I mean, I knew this was going to happen since I know how their families work but I can't help but wonder. I wonder about Evan, about Regulus, Barty and Eveline.

Are they all right?

James notices my pensiveness and nudges me gently. "Val, everything okay?"

I offer a faint smile. "Yeah, just thinking about catching up with everyone at school."

Sirius grins. "Well, you'll see them soon enough. Hogwarts awaits!"

We all part ways, they have to meet with Remus and Peter and I still have to buy everything from my list of supplies.

Lost amidst the towering shelves of Flourish and Blotts, I wander aimlessly, my fingers trailing along the spines of countless books. The familiar scent of parchment and ink fills the air, a comforting scent.

As I meander through the labyrinthine aisles, I suddenly catch a faint sound, a voice that sends a shiver of recognition down my spine. It's a voice that's etched into my memory, one I haven't heard in far too long.

Turning a corner, I find myself in a section dedicated to advanced charms and transfigurations, and there, engrossed in a book, stands Regulus Black. He's so taken by his reading that he hasn't noticed my presence. The faintest hint of a smile plays on my lips at the sight of him. My heart begins beating faster and I convince myself that it's simply relief because he's ok, he's still alive.

Quietly, I approach, my steps nearly soundless on the creaky wooden floor. Regulus remains absorbed in his own world, his brows furrowed in concentration. He looks different than the last time I saw him, his face bearing a weight that wasn't there before, that shouldn't be there for a boy his age. There's a certain maturity in his demeanour, a sense of responsibility... maybe he's not ok.

I clear my throat softly, and Regulus starts, looking up from his book with a mixture of surprise and recognition. His slate-gray eyes meet mine, and for a moment, we simply gaze at each other, neither of us knowing quite what to say.

"Valerie," he finally utters my name, the word carrying a weight of its own. He seems surprised to see me.

"Regulus," I reply, my voice a mere whisper.

He opens his mouth to talk but then closes it again and starts to leave.

His cold dismissal stings like a sharp gust of wind on a winter's day. I can't believe the sudden shift in his demeanour.

Without thinking, I follow him as he attempts to leave the aisle, my voice tinged with frustration. "Regulus, why are you avoiding me?" My words come out sharper than I intended, my own irritation at his behavior bubbling to the surface.

Starry Serendipity || R.A.BTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang