11. Valerie and boggarts

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October 1975

Classes have taken on a more intense and focused tone this year. As fifth years, we're preparing for our O.W.L exams, and the professors are determined to ensure we're fully equipped for the challenges ahead. The hallways are buzzing with a mix of anticipation and trepidation as we delve into subjects that demand our utmost attention.

Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration class is a perfect example of the new level of rigor we're encountering. Her stern demeanor hasn't changed, but the content of her lessons has grown more intricate. We're transfiguring not just inanimate objects, but also animals into inanimate objects—a feat that requires both precision and a deep understanding of the magical principles at play.

Charms with Professor Flitwick has us attempting spells of increasing complexity. The Wingardium Leviosa feather-light charm feels like child's play compared to the intricate enchantments we're tackling. His high-pitched voice is a constant encouragement, but it's clear that mastering these spells will require hours of practice.

Potions with Professor Slughorn is a balancing act of precise measurements and quick thinking. We're concocting mixtures that demand not only technical proficiency but also a keen understanding of how various ingredients interact. The cauldrons bubble and smoke, and the aroma of ingredients fills the air as we strive to create the perfect brew.

Defence Against the Dark Arts has taken on a new urgency this year. Professor Lysander Everglen's teaching style is intimidating, and the spells he's introducing us to have an edge of seriousness. We're learning not just to protect ourselves, but also to identify and counter dark magic—a skill that's both empowering and unsettling.

The pressure isn't limited to class hours. The professors are doling out homework assignments that seem never-ending, and our evenings are spent pouring over textbooks and refining our spells. The library is often filled with determined students, huddled over their notes and trying to make sense of complex magical theories.


Walking into the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom feels like stepping into a realm of anticipation and apprehension. The atmosphere is heavy with the sense that something extraordinary is about to unfold. Professor Lysander Everglen stands at the front, a tall and serious figure exuding an enigmatic aura. His thick Russian accent adds an air of mystery to his presence.

Walking besides me are Pandora and Mary. Pandora's eyes shine with curiosity, her Ravenclaw nature drawn to the prospect of new knowledge. Mary shifts slightly, her Gryffindor bravery giving her an air of cautious determination. The room seems to hold its breath, waiting for the lesson to begin.

Professor Everglen's gaze sweeps over us, his dark eyes holding a wealth of experience and knowledge. As he speaks, his words carry the weight of authority. "Welcome," his voice resonates. "Today, we delve into the realm of boggarts."

There's a slight buzz in the room. We did them before in our third year but we were all way younger. Our fears were simple while now, now they might be something deeper.

Professor Everglen's voice fills the room, commanding our attention. "Now, does anyone here know what a boggart is? You should all know seeing as you already did it in your third year but I find it necessary to ask" His question hangs in the air like a challenge.

Determined and eager, I raise my hand along with a few other Ravenclaws. The atmosphere hums with anticipation as the professor's gaze settles on me. He nods, inviting me to share. His dark eyes following all my movements.

Taking a deep breath, I stand. "A boggart is a shape-shifting creature," I begin, my voice steady despite the rapid flutter of my heart. "It takes on the form of whatever its observer fears the most. When faced with a boggart, the best way to combat it is to use the 'Riddikulus' spell. This spell turns the boggart's fear-inducing form into something ridiculous and less threatening."

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