47. Valerie and back to school

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September 1976

The first of September arrives, signaling the much-anticipated return to Hogwarts. The air is thick with excitement as I wake up early, the eagerness to reunite with my friends propelling me out of bed. I meticulously check my trunk, ensuring I haven't forgotten any essential items. The thrill of returning to the magical world and the prospect of another year at Hogwarts courses through my veins.

As I fold my neatly pressed robes and place my carefully chosen books into my bag, I can't help but chatter with myself to quell the mounting nerves. "They're your friends, Valerie. Everything's going to be fine," I whisper, a mantra to pacify the apprehension building within.

The image of Eveline's sudden departure in Diagon Alley flashes in my mind, a lingering worry etching lines on my forehead. "Maybe she was just in a hurry or had something urgent to attend to. People have busy lives," I reassure myself, attempting to dismiss the unease that has settled like a stone in my stomach.

The anticipation overrides any lingering doubts as I imagine the joyous reunion awaiting us at the Hogwarts Express. I find myself grinning in the mirror, unable to contain the excitement bubbling within. Hogwarts feels like a second home, and I can't wait to be enveloped by its familiar embrace.

The door to my room bursts open with a dramatic flourish, and in strides Sirius, his eyes scanning the room with an intensity that would rival an Auror on a mission. The question tumbles out of his mouth, laced with concern and a touch of protective possessiveness, "Who were you talking to?"

I, however, am not in the mood for such interrogation, especially when he hasn't even bothered to knock. Grabbing a pillow from my bed with a swift motion, I launch it at him, the soft projectile connecting with a satisfying thud against his head. "Knock, Black! Ever heard of it? I could have been naked!" I retort, my voice carrying a mix of exasperation and amusement.

Before Sirius can react to my airborne protest, the door swings open again, and in strides James. His protective big brother instincts kick in immediately as he observes the scene unfolding. Without a moment's hesitation, he starts hitting Sirius, each blow punctuated by a lecture about respecting personal boundaries.

Sirius, being Sirius, responds with theatrical cries of injustice. "What is it with you Potters and hitting me?" he exclaims, feigning hurt as he dodges James's playful blows.

James, continues his argument. "Maybe if you learned to knock, you wouldn't have a head full of bumps, Padfoot!"

Sirius, though pretending to be victimized, smirks and retorts, "I prefer the element of surprise, Prongs. Keeps you on your toes."

The banter continues, a mix of brotherly teasing and laughter that has become the soundtrack to our shared existence. I step back, watching the scene unfold with a grin.
As much as Sirius may grumble about the Potter penchant for hitting, it's a language we all understand – a language of love. Kind of.

The fragrant scent of breakfast entices me to leave the comfort of my room, and as I descend the staircase, the rhythmic footsteps of the two idiots behind me join mine in a familiar cadence. James, with an unmistakable glow of excitement, repeats his proclamation, "I'm telling you, this is going to be the best year at Hogwarts. Head Boy, with my Lily-flower!"

Sirius lets out a scoff that's equal parts jest and genuine amusement. I can't help but roll my eyes, a silent commentary on their never ending banter. The scene feels comfortably predictable, a reassuring prelude to the upcoming school year. As we join mom in the warm glow of the kitchen, I can't suppress a smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19 ⏰

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