19. Valerie and the prank

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Dicembre 1975

As the planning session for the prank unfolds, each member of the Marauders contributes their ideas, weaving a tapestry of mischief that I can't help but be both fascinated and slightly uncomfortable with. Remus, the voice of reason as always, keeps the suggestions within certain boundaries while still maintaining the element of surprise.

"So, here's what I'm thinking," James begins, leaning forward with an eager grin. "We know the Slytherins are always bragging about their pure-blood lineage and traditions, right?"

Sirius smirks, clearly already intrigued. "Oh, I see where you're going with this."

James nods, his eyes gleaming mischievously. "Exactly. What if we give them a little taste of their own medicine? We could charm a few portraits to start reciting a 'Slytherin Anthem' that's completely made up."

Remus raises an eyebrow, considering the idea. "It's creative, I'll give you that. But we'll need to be careful not to cross any lines that could cause real offense."

Sirius chuckles. "Don't worry, Moony. We'll make sure it's all in good fun."

Peter jumps in, his eyes bright with enthusiasm. "And I've got an idea for a special effect. We could use a combination of charms to make their robes temporarily change colors whenever they mention 'pure-blood'."

James claps Peter on the back, clearly pleased. "That's brilliant, Wormtail!"

Remus's gaze shifts to me, and I can feel the weight of his unspoken question. I hesitate for a moment, my mind swirling with thoughts. While I'm not entirely comfortable with pranking Slytherins – and I know that Remus is aware of this – the happiness of the group is infectious. Besides, they seem genuinely excited about the idea, and I don't want to be the one to dampen their spirits.

"I... I think that could work," I finally say, my voice cautious. "But let's make sure it doesn't escalate into something hurtful."

Remus nods, his expression understanding. "Agreed. We'll keep it light-hearted and steer clear of anything too personal."

As we continue to hash out the details, I can't deny the energy in the room. The Marauders have an undeniable chemistry, each bringing their own strengths to the table. While I may have reservations about targeting a specific house, I also understand the significance of unity and shared experiences among friends.

As the meeting draws to a close, I find myself caught in a strange blend of excitement and unease. The prank, though elaborate and creative, walks a fine line between harmless fun and potential offense. But seeing the genuine excitement among the Marauders reminds me that, at the heart of it all, this is about friendship and the shared joy of mischief.

The cold air of mid-December swirls through the castle, and the anticipation of the prank pulses in my veins. It's a Monday morning, and the castle seems to hum with an underlying energy that only a group of determined mischief-makers can generate. The Marauders have set the plan in motion, and it's time to see how it unfolds.

As classes begin, I find myself stealing glances at the Slytherin common room entrance whenever I pass by. The anthem of our prank – a curious blend of eerie whispers and soft laughter – is faintly audible, reminiscent of mischievous spirits. The charm is designed to activate when a group of Slytherins enters the room, starting with the sound of shuffling and objects moving, accompanied by whispers that seem to come from every corner.

During lunch, I sit with my friends, unable to hide my excitement and nervousness. From across the Great Hall, I catch glimpses of Slytherins making their way to their common room after classes. It's hard to keep a straight face as I watch their reactions.

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