8. Valerie and detention

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September 1975

The moon casts a soft glow over the Hogwarts grounds as the evening's prefect round begins. Regulus and I stand side by side, the tension between us palpable in the cool night air. The events of our recent argument still linger, a shadow that taints our interactions and casts a weight over our shared duty.

We walk in silence, the only sounds the faint rustle of leaves from outside and the distant calls of creatures that inhabit the Forbidden Forest. Every step feels heavy, each beat of my heart echoing the unease that settles between us. It's as if the very atmosphere knows of our conflict, wrapping us in an almost suffocating embrace.

Regulus's jaw is clenched, his gaze fixed on the path ahead. I steal a glance at him, his profile etched in the dim light. Our conversation from the other day echoes in my mind, the harsh words and accusations we hurled at each other.

As we turn a corner, our footsteps resounding on the stone path, I finally break the silence. "Black, I know we haven't been getting along, but we need to find a way to work together. We're prefects, and our duty is to the students."

He doesn't respond immediately, his silence stretching between us like an unspoken challenge. When he finally speaks, his voice is tight with restraint. "I'm aware of our responsibilities, Potter."

I sigh softly, the weight of our unresolved conflict heavy on my shoulders. "This isn't about us, you know. It's about the other students. We need to put aside our differences and ensure their safety."

Regulus's expression remains impassive, his eyes fixed ahead. "I don't need a lecture on duty, Potter."

The tension between us feels insurmountable, a chasm that widens with each passing second. The grounds seem to stretch out endlessly, and I can't help but wish for some sign, some catalyst that could bridge the gap between us. But as the minutes tick by, it becomes clear that our shared round is nothing but a showcase of our mutual resentment.

The stars above seem distant, as if even they are avoiding the turmoil that hangs in the air. And as we complete the round and head back towards our rooms, the weight of our unresolved conflict presses heavily upon me.

In the end, we may be prefects, entrusted with the well-being of the students and the school. But the personal conflicts we carry threaten to overshadow that duty. As we part ways at the castle entrance, the air feels charged with unspoken words. I want to say something, to try and find a common ground but I know it's pointless.


Saturday afternoon arrives, casting a soft golden glow across the Hogwarts grounds. The air is crisp, and as I make my way to the designated meeting spot for detention, I can't help but feel a mixture of anticipation and apprehension. Regulus is already there when I arrive, his expression stoic as he stands by the entrance to the Forbidden Forest.

"Potter" he greets me with a nod, his voice devoid of the usual tension.

"Black" I reply, my own tone neutral. It's strange how the looming prospect of detention has temporarily dampened our hostility, replaced by a shared understanding of the task at hand.

Professor Slughorn soon joins us, his jovial demeanor more subdued as he addresses us. "Good afternoon, my young troublemakers. Today's detention is a chance for you to reflect on your recent disagreements and work together to complete a task."

He leads us into the depths of the Forbidden Forest, the dense trees casting long shadows on the forest floor. As we walk, the tension that had defined our recent interactions seems to linger in the air, a palpable reminder of our differences. I look around wondering why our professor is taking inside a place so dangerous.

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