40. Valerie and April fools'

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April 1976

April Fools' Day has arrived, and a mischievous glint dances in my eyes as I sit in the Great Hall, waiting patiently for the perfect moment to exact my revenge on my brother. The morning is uncharacteristically quiet, and a palpable tension hangs in the air.

I slide into a seat next to Pandora at the Ravenclaw table, observing the cautious glances and hushed conversations that ripple through the hall. It's clear that I'm not the only one who's sensed the impending prank. I decide to bide my time, waiting for others to start eating before I touch the food. Patience is key in moments like these.

Soon enough, the first unsuspecting students dig into their plates, and the chaos begins. One by one, people at neighboring tables start undergoing bizarre transformations. A girl nearby sprouts rabbit ears, a boy further down sprouts feathers, and a professor on the staff table begins quacking like a duck. Pandemonium ensues as students and staff alike find themselves transformed into a menagerie of creatures.

The uproarious laughter of the Marauders rings through the Great Hall, and I immediately spot James among them. They're howling with amusement, thoroughly pleased with their prank. As much as I want to storm over and confront them, I know that patience is still my ally.

Pandora raises an eyebrow at me, silently inquiring if I'm ready to spring our trap. I nod, and we exchange sly glances. This is the moment we've been waiting for.

With a flick of her wand, she conjures a stream of colorful sparks that dance above my head, drawing the attention of everyone in the hall. The laughter and commotion dies down as all eyes turn to me.

I rise from my seat, my voice ringing clear and firm as I address the room. "Ladies and gentlemen, it seems we've been pranked quite thoroughly today, and I must admit, it's an impressive feat." My words are measured, my tone filled with fake authority.

I turn my gaze towards the Marauders, and in particular, my brother. "But let us not forget that the best pranks are the ones that make us laugh and teach us humility. With that kind of spirit in mind I propose a challenge." I pause for dramatic effect, the anticipation palpable.

As I stand there, having just proposed a challenge to undo the Marauders' prank, James rises from the Gryffindor table, a smirk stretching across his face. He's never been one to back down from a challenge, especially when it involves pranks.

"Valerie Potter, challenging the Marauders to a prank war?" James exclaims, his voice carrying across the Great Hall. "You're either very brave or very foolish."

I meet his challenge with a grin of my own, the competitive spirit between us ignited. "Brave or foolish, it doesn't matter. I accept your challenge, Jamesie deer."

Pandora, sitting next to me, whispers, "Are you sure about this? A prank war with James and his friends is not to be taken lightly!"

I glance at her, my determination unwavering. "I've dealt with their pranks for years, Dora. It's high time they learned that I'm not to be underestimated."

The Great Hall is buzzing with excitement as students from all houses gather around, eager to witness the showdown.

Before I can make my next move, Professor McGonagall comes charging toward us, her stern expression a stark contrast to the prevailing sense of excitement. "Miss Potter, Mr. Potter! This nonsense must cease immediately! Prank wars have no place within the hallowed halls of Hogwarts."

James and I exchange a knowing look, both of us well aware of McGonagall's no-nonsense attitude. However, I have a plan.

"Minnie," he begins, feigning innocence, "I understand your concern. We promise it will be completely harmless, it's just for today."

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