5. Valerie and revelations

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September 1975

The castle is draped in velvety darkness, torches flickering along the corridors as Regulus and I set out on our first prefect rounds together. The tension between us is like an invisible barrier, a reminder of the years of division that have marked our houses.

We walk side by side, the silence hanging heavy between us. The weight of our shared responsibility mixes with the awkwardness of our interactions, creating an atmosphere that is both charged and uncomfortable. This partnership is far from ideal, but it's our duty.

Regulus clears his throat, breaking the silence with a clipped tone. "Let's just get this done."

I nod, my lips pressed into a thin line. "Right. We're looking for students who are breaking the rules and sending them to bed."

As we move through the castle, the tension never truly eases. It's as if our very presence accentuates the lines that separate Gryffindor and Slytherin. But despite the unease, we manage to fall into a rhythm, checking rooms and passageways for any signs of misbehavior.

Suddenly, a muffled sound of laughter reaches our ears from a nearby room. Our gazes meet, a shared understanding passing between us. We exchange a look and approach cautiously, pushing open the door to find a couple of students caught in the act.

"Caught you," I say, my voice stern but with a flicker of amusement.

The students jump apart, their faces turning beet red. In that moment, the tension seems to shift, replaced by shared amusement that is almost... relieving.

Regulus arches an eyebrow, a hint of a smile tugging at his lips. "Seems our presence is having an unintended effect."

I chuckle, the atmosphere between us lightening considerably. "Seems that way. Alright, you two. It's late. Time to head back to your common rooms. Next time we won't be so lenient. It's 5 points from both Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw"

They scamper off, their embarrassment evident. As the door closes behind them, Regulus and I exchange a small smile, the brief moment of shared amusement erasing some of the tension that has existed between us.

"Well," Regulus begins, his voice softer, "that was unexpected."

I laugh, feeling a warmth spread through me. "Definitely. It's strange, finding common ground amidst all this."

As we continue our rounds, the castle seems less imposing, less oppressive. The usually quiet late-night hours are now filled with our footsteps.

As the torchlight dances along the walls and Regulus and I move through the castle, I can't help but feel a small sense of peace. The castle this late at night is beautiful, a little intimidating but nonetheless captivating.

The night is wearing on, and our rounds are coming to an end. Regulus and I stand near the entrance of the Great Hall, a palpable tension still hanging in the air between us. It's been an interesting night, to say the least—a mix of awkwardness and unexpected amusement.

As we prepare to part ways, I clear my throat, my voice tentative. "Well, I guess that's it for tonight."

Regulus nods, his gaze meeting mine briefly. "Yeah. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be."

I manage a small smile, the hint of a chuckle escaping me. "I suppose not. Guess we make a decent team when it comes to catching rule-breakers."

He cracks a half-smile, his expression less guarded than before. "I guess so."

There's a pause, an unspoken tension lingering between us. I take a breath, deciding to address the proverbial elephant in the room. "Look, I know we don't exactly... get along. But we're going to be working together for the entire year. It might be easier if we find a way to... coexist."

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