38. Valerie and school

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March 1976

The week following the Quidditch match has been a tense one, with my silent avoidance of James and Sirius. To say that I am still furious at them would be an understatement. I can't even bear to look at them, let alone engage in conversation.

As I make my way to the Great Hall for breakfast on this Monday morning, my mind is elsewhere, occupied with thoughts of how to avoid my brother. But just as I think I can slip by unnoticed, he corners me, determination etched on his face.

"Valerie, can we talk?" James implores, blocking my path. His voice holds a hint of desperation, and for a moment, I hesitate.

I turn away, take a deep breath before responding, "I need time, James. Just give me some space." With that, I try to walk past him, but he steps in my way again.

"Valerie, I'm really sorry," he says, his tone earnest. "I didn't mean for things to get this bad. Let's just talk it out."

I shake my head stubbornly, refusing to meet his gaze, and maneuver around him. The Great Hall is now in sight, and I quicken my pace. But as I step through the entrance, an unexpected disaster strikes.

Out of thin air, a sticky, translucent gel-like substance showers over me, covering me from head to toe. Laughter erupts from all sides, and I feel my face flush with embarrassment as I try to peel the gooey substance from my clothes and hair.

Pandora and Eveline rush to my side, concern etched on their faces. "Val, are you okay?" Pandora asks.

"I'm fine, just humiliated," I reply, trying to laugh it off, but the laughter around us only intensifies.

Eveline gives me a sympathetic pat on the back. "Let's get you cleaned up. Come on."

The bathroom is a sanctuary of sorts, where I can finally collect my thoughts and, most importantly, get rid of the sticky, gooey mess that covers me. Dora and Eve, have been nothing short of supportive, helping me clean up with spells and trying to lighten the mood.

As I scrub away the remnants of the prank, a realization hits me like a lightning bolt. James was distracting me. He had to be involved in this horrendous prank. The anger I've been feeling toward him surges back, mixed with embarrassment and frustration.

"That git," I mutter, my voice dripping with irritation. "He's not just immature; he's downright diabolical. Who does something like this?"

Pandora places a comforting hand on my shoulder. "I know, love, it's terrible. But let's focus on getting you cleaned up. We'll deal with him later."

Eveline chimes in, "Yeah, Val, you can't let him ruin your day. We're not going to let them get away with it."

I nod, feeling their support like a lifeline. The hot water from the faucet soothes my skin, and gradually, I begin to feel less sticky and more human. But there's still a storm raging inside me, and I can't help but continue to vent.

"First, there's that incident with Regulus, and now this? I can't believe James is so willing to ruin my life." I clench my fists in frustration. "He's so busy trying to control everything, he's completely lost sight of how his actions affect others."

Pandora and Eveline listen patiently, offering me a space to release my anger. But as I keep rumbling about my brother's thoughtless behavior, something slips out before I can stop it.

"I can't believe he would do this... he keeps making me crazy, hell, due to him I bloody kissed Evan again."

The words hang in the air like a heavy secret, and I feel my face flush with embarrassment. Pandora and Eveline exchange glances, and I instantly regret letting that slip.

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