44. Valerie and PTSD

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July 1976

We're all gathered in the living room for a muggle card game, and I can't help but feel a mix of excitement and tension in the air. Remus is attempting, once again, to explain the rules to us - for what feels like the hundredth time.

"Alright, once more for the lot of you," he begins patiently. "You see, Prongs, a deck of cards contains four suits—spades, diamonds, clubs, and hearts. Each suit has thirteen ranks, from Ace to King. The goal is to win tricks by playing the highest-ranked card. The player with the most tricks at the end wins the round."

Peter looks utterly puzzled and scratches his head. "So, it's like Wizarding chess, but with numbers?"

Sirius nudges Peter with a mischievous grin. "Wormy, if you think these cards are hard, wait until you try poker. But, let's focus on this for now."

As we start the game, there's a knock on the door, and Alice and Lily arrive. The guys exchange glances of surprise as James, who had been nervously fidgeting with his cards, stands up to greet them, offering a small, genuine smile.

"Hey, Lily. Alice. Glad you could make it," he says warmly.

Lily, looking equally surprised but hiding it well, nods politely. "Hello, James. Thanks for having us."

The group continues with the card game, and I can't help but notice the subtle change in James's demeanor. He's acting more polite and attentive around Lily, and there's a newfound ease in their interaction. Remus throws a playful jab at James.

"Looks like James is finally growing up, folks," he teases.

Sirius winks at James and adds, "And it only took him seven years."

James rolls his eyes, but there's a subtle contentment in his expression. I watch this rare exchange between my brother and Lily, and I can't help but smile as the tension that's been lingering between them seems to dissipate, at least for the moment.

Marlene's arrival is as dramatic as ever, and she stumbles out of the fireplace in a swirl of soot and disheveled hair. We all exchange glances, amused by her usual entrance. She rights herself, brushing soot off her clothes and hair, and then launches into her tale of adventure.

"You won't believe what happened this time, guys!" she exclaims, eyes wide with excitement. "There was this crazy old lady on the other side of the fireplace, and she tried to follow me through! I had to jump out at the last second to avoid being squashed!"

We burst into laughter, unable to contain our amusement at Marlene's knack for attracting the bizarre and unusual.

Sirius grins at her antics. "Only you, Marlene, only you."

James leans forward, intrigued. "Did you at least get a look at her? Maybe she's secretly a famous witch!"

Marlene shakes her head. "Nah, she looked like she'd been living in that fireplace for centuries. I don't think fame and fortune are on her agenda."

Alice chimes in with a smile, "Well, as long as you made it here in one piece, that's what matters."

Marlene finally takes a moment to catch her breath and composes herself. She gives a theatrical salute to everyone in the room, her long blonde hair falling dramatically over one eye.

"Glad to be here, folks. Now, who's up for some chaos and mayhem?"

Dorcas Meadowes is the last to arrive, and there's a sense of anticipation as she rings the doorbell. Sirius, a true gentleman, when he wants to be, opens the door for her with a cheeky grin. She steps inside, and everyone hurries to salute her.

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