24. Valerie and the party

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December 1975

The final day of the year dawns with an air of anticipation that fills every corner of Potter Manor. The grand estate is abuzz with activity as preparations for the New Year's Eve party are underway. Decorations are being carefully arranged, the scent of delicious food wafts through the hallways, and laughter echoes as family and friends gather for the celebration.

Resting in the cocoon of my room, I find myself torn between the desire to be part of the preparations and the knowledge that I need to take it easy, as my mother has sternly instructed. The accident by the frozen lake still lingers in my memory, a stark reminder that I should heed the lessons learned.

In an attempt to occupy myself, I reach for my cello, my fingers tracing the familiar curves of the instrument. The music flows from my touch, a melancholic melody that echoes my own conflicted emotions. It's a way to release the thoughts that weigh heavily on my mind, the turmoil that simmers beneath the surface.

As the strains of the music fill the room, I'm unaware of the passage of time until I sense a presence at the threshold. I glance up, startled, as Remus steps into the room. His warm smile soothes the sudden jolt of surprise, and I quickly lower the cello, my heart still racing from the unexpected interruption.

"Your music is beautiful," he remarks, his voice carrying a touch of awe as he crosses the room and takes a seat on the edge of my bed. "I didn't know you played."

I smile, my cheeks coloring slightly under his gaze. "It's a way to clear my thoughts, I suppose."

He nods in understanding, his eyes meeting mine with a depth of empathy that I've come to appreciate. There's a silent understanding between us, a bond that formed on that icy lake and has only grown stronger since.

"You know," he begins, his voice gentle, "I've been thinking a lot about that day."

My fingers tighten around the cello's neck, the memories of that terrifying moment rushing back. "It was... a close call."

His expression softens as he nods, his gaze thoughtful. "It's a reminder of how fragile life can be, but also of the strength that lies within us to overcome challenges."

I trace the patterns on the cello's body, my mind drifting to the chilling water, the darkness beneath the ice. "You saved my life."

Remus's gaze is unwavering, his eyes locking onto mine. "I did what any friend would do. I couldn't just stand by and watch."

His words resonate deep within me, stirring a well of gratitude that I find difficult to put into words. The bond between us is unspoken yet profound.

"I owe you so much," I admit, my voice tinged with emotion.

Remus's smile is warm, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Valerie, you don't owe me anything. We're friends, and friends look out for each other."

I draw a shaky breath, my eyes welling up with unshed tears. His kindness, his genuine concern, he has a way with people that makes them feel special, really special.

The weight of our words hangs in the air. I find myself seeking solace in the presence of the one person who truly understands me. With a mix of hesitation and longing, I voice a question that's been on my mind.

"Can I... hug you?"

Remus's response is immediate, his laughter warm and inviting. "Of course you can."

Setting aside the cello carefully, I move to the bed and take a seat beside him. Our eyes meet, and there's a shared understanding that words can't quite convey. I feel in a safe haven where emotions can be expressed without reservation.

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