37. Valerie and the match

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March 1976

The stone gargoyle guards the entrance to Dumbledore's office, and with a soft mutter of the password, it obligingly steps aside. I climb the winding staircase, the spiraling journey feeling like a symbolic ascent into the depths of my own mind.

Inside the office, Professor Dumbledore greets me with his usual look of curiosity and I'm well aware of the looming challenge that awaits me. Our lessons on legilimency and occlumency have been both fascinating and exhausting. Today, though, I hope to uncover more about my own abilities. Since I read those books in the library I have been waiting for him to hint something about what I found but he hasn't.

I know that he's aware of what I could do, how I could use this power but he doesn't tell me. Is he afraid that I might actually use it in that horrible way? That I would induce voluntarily someone to madness just with my mind? The simple thought sends shivers down my spine.

Dumbledore, with his cryptic wisdom, seems content to let me discover on my own, nudging me in the direction rather than revealing the secrets outright. So, I pretend to be oblivious, trying to glean any insight I can from our practice sessions.

Hours pass, and my mind feels like a stormy sea. It's mentally exhausting to delve into the thoughts of another, trying to navigate the intricacies of their consciousness without drowning in it. With each lesson, I feel myself growing stronger, more in control. Meals in the Great Hall are still hard and I try to avoid hours where there's too many people.

But during lessons or free period I'm starting to gain control more easily. In the library I can focus on my homework instead than trying to stay out of other people's minds.

As I exit Dumbledore's office, the dimly lit corridor stretches before me. It's late, and the castle seems quieter than usual. Just as I turn the corner, I bump into Remus, who's on his usual patrol.

A jolt of panic courses through me. Remus is my friend but he's oblivious to my unique ability. I can't let him know about the voices, about what I can do.

"Val, what are you doing out here at this hour?" he inquires, his brow furrowing with a mix of concern and curiosity.

I quickly stammer, "Oh, I was... I just needed some fresh air, you know? The Common Room was getting a bit stuffy."

I can sense Remus's watchful eyes on me, but he nods carefully. "Yeah, I get that. Sometimes, the castle can feel a bit suffocating."

I seize the opportunity to steer the conversation away from my late-night stroll through the corridors. "So, Rem," I say, trying to sound casual, "how are things between you and Sirius these days?"

Remus glances down as if searching for an escape from the topic. His expression is a mixture of hesitation and relief. "It's... complicated, Val," he replies cautiously. "We're working through it, though. Slowly. It's really difficult with the fact that the others don't know."

I nod, empathizing with the complexity of their situation.  "I hope you two figure it out, you are perfect for eachother," I say sincerely, trying to keep the conversation light.

Remus offers a small, grateful smile. "Thanks you. We appreciate your support."

The stone walls of Hogwarts echo with our footsteps as Remus and I make our way back to the Gryffindor common room together. The castle, bathed in the dim light of the sconces, feels strangely intimate at this late hour.

Remus clears his throat, breaking the silence. "Sooo, are you going to attend the Quidditch match tomorrow?" he asks, a glimmer of curiosity in his eyes.

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