23. Valerie and the accident

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December 1975

Three days after Christmas, the Potter manor is buzzing with anticipation. The halls are adorned with decorations for the upcoming New Year's party, and the air is filled with a contagious energy. As Peter and Remus arrive, their presence adds to the atmosphere of excitement that's already enveloping the house.

We've spent the morning studying, reviewing lessons and sharing insights. The idea of the upcoming party and the chance to let loose has kept our spirits high. As the clock approaches midday, Sirius grins mischievously and suggests a change of scenery. "How about we head down to the lake? It's frozen over, perfect for some ice skating."

The suggestion sparks immediate interest, and I can't help but feel a surge of excitement. The thought of gliding across the ice, the crisp winter air against my cheeks, is incredibly inviting. Plus, there's the added thrill of testing out the new ice skating shoes that James gave me for Christmas.

After wrapping ourselves in layers of warm clothing, we make our way outside. The sun hangs low in the sky, casting a warm golden hue over the snow-covered landscape. The Potter estate is expansive, and as we walk toward the frozen lake, the crunch of snow beneath our boots is a soothing rhythm.

As we reach the lake, I'm met with a breathtaking sight. The frozen expanse sparkles under the sunlight, the ice smooth and pristine. I can already picture myself gliding across it, the world around me fading away as I lose myself in the graceful movement.

With a shared sense of anticipation, we put on our ice skates. I lace up mine, feeling the snug fit that promises a comfortable glide. As I step onto the ice, there's an initial wobble, but I quickly find my balance. The sensation of the ice beneath my feet is exhilarating, and I can't help but smile.

We begin to skate, and I'm swept up in the rhythm of it all. The wind whips against my cheeks, and laughter fills the air as we navigate the frozen surface. I catch glimpses of Peter spinning around, Remus gliding with a fluid elegance, and Sirius executing playful twirls that send snowflakes swirling.

As for me, I'm lost in the simple joy of skating. With every push and glide, I feel a sense of freedom. The worries of the world seem to fade away, replaced by the rush of the moment. The new ice skates respond to my movements with precision, and I find myself daring to attempt a few spins of my own, my heart racing with a mix of adrenaline and pure happiness.

Ice skating has been a part of my life since I was a child, and the sensation of gliding on the ice is second nature to me. The wind tugs at my hair as I pick up speed, the ice beneath my skates smooth and inviting.

In a burst of enthusiasm, I decide to break into a twirl. I pivot on one foot, arms extended gracefully, and I feel the exhilarating sensation of spinning on ice. The world around me blurs, a whirl of snowflakes and sunlight. For a few fleeting moments, it's just me and the ice, a dance that has always felt like home.

As I come out of the twirl, I notice the Marauders watching me with a mix of awe and amusement. Their attempts to mimic my twirls are nothing short of entertaining. I watch as James tries to replicate the movement, only to wobble and stumble, arms flailing for balance.

Remus attempts a spin, his expression a mix of concentration and determination, but he ends up tripping over his own feet and landing on the ice with a laugh.

Sirius, never one to back down from a challenge, attempts a twirl with a flourish. He starts with confidence, but his skates catch on a rough patch of ice, and he ends up sliding across the frozen surface in a rather undignified manner. His laughter is infectious, and soon we're all chuckling at the comical sight.

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