30. Valerie and the bracelet

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January 1976

The warmth of the crackling fire in the Gryffindor common room lulls me into a peaceful slumber, the soft orange glow dancing behind my closed eyelids. The coziness of the couch, combined with the crackling of the firewood, creates a soothing environment that embraces me in its tranquility.

My mind hovers on the edge of consciousness as I'm gently pulled into the realm of dreams. However, the distant sound of voices eventually tugs me back to wakefulness. The murmurs are hushed but clear enough to penetrate the edges of my sleep. My eyes remain closed as I listen to the conversation unfolding nearby.

Recognizing the tones and inflections of the voices, I realize that it's James, Sirius, and Remus talking. James's voice, usually full of cheer, is tinged with anger, and his words are punctuated with frustration. He's talking about me, the worry evident in his tone. The realization that my recent behavior is causing concern tugs at my conscience, but I remain still, feigning sleep.

Sirius's voice follows, a calm and measured counterpoint to James's anger. He attempts to pacify his best friend, using soothing words to calm the storm of emotions. But James isn't easily swayed, his agitation only growing as he continues to express his frustrations.

Then, the mention of my name again, this time accompanied by a new layer of concern. James's words tumble out in a rush, painting a picture of my recent actions. I was absent from the party the previous night, and now I'm adorned with the scarf of a Slytherin—Regulus's scarf, I'm thankful he doesn't know that. The anger in James's voice escalates, his protective instincts ignited by the perceived threat.

Despite my resolve to remain hidden and eavesdrop on the conversation, I can feel the rising tension in the room. My brother's anger, Sirius's attempts to mediate, and Remus's eventual intervention form a complex symphony of emotions. And as much as I want to keep listening, a new determination begins to bubble within me.

The air in the common room seems to thicken with tension as I rise from the couch. My brother's incredulous expression morphs into a mixture of surprise, concern, and frustration as he registers my awakening. His eyes narrow, and before I can even open my mouth, he launches into a tirade.

"Valerie, what the hell were you thinking?" His voice is a storm of emotions, each word laced with anger. "You've been acting so damn erratic lately. Smoking? Drinking? Disappearing in the middle of the night? And now this?" His hand gestures towards the Slytherin scarf draped around my neck, his eyes flaring with indignation.

I hold his gaze, my own emotions simmering beneath the surface. "James, calm down. It's not as—"

"Don't you dare tell me to calm down!" he interrupts, his voice rising. "You're acting like you don't care about yourself, like you're trying to sabotage your own well-being!"

My lips part to respond, but he barrels on, his words now fueled by a mixture of concern and frustration. "You're my sister, Val! I can't just stand by and watch you self-destruct. What's gotten into you?"

My temper, ignited by his accusations, begins to flare. "You don't get it, James. You don't know what's been going on in my head. You don't know what it's like to feel like everything is falling apart."

"And this?" he gestures once again towards the scarf. "Is this falling apart too?"

My pulse quickens as I assert, "It's not what you think, James." A defensive edge creeps into my voice, coupled with a sense of frustration. I lie knowing that if he knew the truth it would only make things worse. "Eveline lent it to me because I was cold."

James's eyes narrow, skepticism evident in his gaze. "Really? Just like that? It doesn't seem like you to take someone else's scarf. You could have taken mine or Remus's for Merlin's pants. A slytherin..."

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