28. Valerie and the Lake

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January 1976

The afternoon sun casts a warm glow across the Hogwarts grounds as the last lessons of the day come to an end. I find myself relieved that none of my classes were with the Slytherins today, allowing me to avoid both Evan and Regulus. Instead, I spent the day focused on my studies and tried my best to keep my mind occupied.

As I sit outside, bundled up in multiple layers of clothing to ward off the persistent winter chill, I gaze out at the frozen Black Lake. Its icy surface sparkles in the sunlight, a stark contrast to the unease that churns within me. I've been lost in thought, contemplating the complex web of emotions and secrets that have been weaving themselves into my life.

My solitude is interrupted as Pandora approaches, her vivacious energy practically radiating. She settles down beside me, her eyes alight with curiosity. "Valerie, spill the details! What happened with you and Regulus? Why didn't you tell us anything? Me and Eve have been wondering since the New Year's party"

I can't help but chuckle at Pandora's eagerness. "It's not as exciting as you're imagining, trust me," I reply, though a small smile tugs at the corners of my lips. "It just...happened, I don't even know why."

Before Pandora can continue her barrage of questions, a familiar presence looms nearby. I turn my head, and there stands Evan, his expression a mix of determination and concern. He's cornered me, quite literally, and there's a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"Valerie, we need to talk," Evan says, his tone leaving no room for argument.

Reluctantly, I nod and stand, signaling to Pandora that this is a conversation I can't avoid. With a sympathetic smile, she gives my arm a reassuring squeeze before walking away, leaving me alone with Evan. She looks at her brother as if to warn him of something but he doesn't look her away as she leaves.

We find a more secluded spot, away from prying eyes, and Evan begins to speak. He's searching for answers, and I can see the mix of emotions in his eyes – confusion, hurt, and a hint of desperation.

"Why have you been avoiding me?" he asks, his voice tinged with frustration. "Did I do something wrong?"

I take a deep breath, my own heart heavy with the weight of my feelings and the situation. "It's not about you doing something wrong, Evan. It's about me needing time to sort things out."

His brow furrows, his gaze searching mine as if trying to decipher the truth behind my words. "Is there someone else?"

My heart skips a beat, and I'm acutely aware of the tangled web of emotions surrounding both Evan and Regulus. "It's complicated, Evan. There's a lot going on, and I need to figure things out."

He studies me for a moment, his expression a mix of hurt and understanding. "I thought we had something special."

"We do," I assure him, my voice softening. "But I need time to understand my own feelings."

Evan's shoulders slump slightly, a mixture of disappointment and resignation. "I just wish you would have told me."

Evan's words hang heavy in the air, each syllable carrying the weight of his hurt and disappointment. His eyes, usually warm and inviting, now hold a mixture of sadness and resignation. It's as if the vibrant energy that usually radiates from him has dimmed, leaving behind a subdued and wounded version of the boy I've come to know.

His voice is tinged with a mixture of frustration and vulnerability as he speaks. "Valerie, if you're having doubts, it's because there's someone else you're feeling more for. I don't want to be the one waiting around while you figure it out. I don't want to be your reserve."

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