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The following day in San Francisco.
Did you four catch up on your sleep? Yes Candace.  It usually takes us a day to adjust.  It's just thus time it was harder because we left earlier for the airport to land on Sacramento early to spend time with aunties.  I called the guys. We will have to walk to the house. They are working on the street. Avery it's Sunday? I know let's eat breakfast and head to the house . They told me that they had to replace some plumbing in one of the bathrooms and hired a plumber. I told them to provide us with a receipt and take it off next month's rent.

In lake Tahoe.

Aye babe how is Vegas? Babe go somewhere we can talk in private.  Okay! I am going to the store. Do any of you need anything just text me?

I left quickly before Maura got out of the bathroom.

Babe all cleared go ahead.  Did you really need to go to the store? No but will buy snacks that are less than at the inn. You are a tight with your money. Do you need some? No but thank you for the offer .  I am defending Julia. I am staying with her in her new home that is huge . Is she okay? Yeah just pissed that someone stole her vehicle and hit someone. She was eating and didn't know someone stole it until she left to leave.  The person who was hit is blaming her. She got arrested. This doesn't seem right.  Do you want me to fly down there? No I will handle it.  I did have dessert. I told you go ahead. She said you more than welcome to come here and have dessert too. She just doesn't want to deal with Maura.  I don't blame her.  If she gets an attitude or jealous again Jane, we will be moving out even if none of our properties are available.  I agree. I don't know how long I will be here.  Her first court date is Wednesday. What happened to who was suppose to be the lawyer? It was baby girl. She has the flu real bad and doesn't want any one to know. Ann knows because when June called me from Avery's cell I had her on speaker and I let her know. She also got dizzy. She fell and has bruises and black eye. She doesn't want people to know especially my brother and Laura.  I understand.  We know how they get when she doesn't feel well.  I will send her care package and tell her its from you and me and our lips are sealed.  Thanks babe. Did you enjoy yourself? Yes. Jane I wish Julia could of been our fourth person. I know but not the way Maura is. She is going to blow a gasket when she finds out it is her who I am defending.  It most likely will be on the news and all. I didn't know she knew Tommy. I guess in his wild days. Did they hook up? No. Jane be safe. You too. Love you. Love you too. Maura is texting me and text me her list. Okay have fun. I will.

We ended the call.  I chuckled when I saw the list. Jane laughs at me with my money. When I saw what was on her list, I decided to go to the grocery store and got back in my hummer from the gas station.

In Las Vegas...
I am done. I told her it all as you said I could. She will probably tell Maura before I do that she needs to knock her shit off or we will be moving out even if none of our properties are vacant. It won't be my home. I just had a couple with a family lease my furnished home for a year. You two always can move here. Julia she is a judge there and even though I travel our offices are in Sacramento, one in Italy which is out of my nieces shipping company and lake Tahoe. You all can open one here. True but you can move to Sacramento. Yes but my job prospects are limited. If you think about it, porn is nationwide. Just think about it.  I will buy a building for you if you like. Jane you have a good heart. I love my life here.  I have the Hockey and Raiders team here. Okay you don't want to move.

Let's change the subject Jane.  It's a little cool here today but sunny. Let's go to the strip and eat at Hooters. Jane no you have me if you want to see tits that are huge. They have good food. No its not. I make better food than they do. I can make us food here or we can go out. It's my treat actually anything we do. I can pay too. Jane your firm is not charging me. You and Avery are saying me alot as
it is. Jane let's go to the Wynn and have breakfast than decide what to do next. You know hooters isn't open early. Julia it was a suggestion for lunch or dinner.

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