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Listen to the news Adrienne. They are talking about Jane's case and the porn star.

We  are in Los Angeles still. Rachel is coming with me to the strike.  She said she won't break the law. It would look bad as being an ex FBI agent.
Rachel we will see if it's on the radio. We don't want to be late.

I had called the FBI agent office here and told them I would be striking here and try to diffuse anything that might occur.
Adrienne finds it on the radio and we listened. Ann can practice law in three states and is acting District attorney in Law Vegas on this high profile case.
Babe this is huge and could be in her  client's favor.

We finally arrive with our Starbucks coffee and meet up with her cast mates. Sepideh says hi and I say hi back like nothing happened between us like the three of agreed.  Adrienne introduced me to her cast mates and tells them I am former FBI and I still hold will abide by the law. I know why she did it so they know not to do anything so awful to put in a situation that I have to make a choice or reporting the invidual. We take our places in line.

Thanks babe. Your welcome.

In Las Vegas... Ann calls up her first witness and tells him if he doesn't tell the truth it will be considered perjury. 

Excuse me your honor I would like to address the court.  Go ahead!

I am a lawyer with integrity.  If I see anyone willing to give false testimony, I  will state so and the court system will handle it from today going forward.  We are here for facts only not your personal opinion or desire to cover anything up. I personally have gone through the evidence myself . Thank you for listening.

I looked at the list of the witness and the second chair states only the people in the stolen vehicle want to speak and there won't be a need for a trial. I definitely was happy to hear that. I write a note to Jane and ask the assistant district attorney to pass it to her.

Your honor it seems only the people in the vehicle want to give their testimony. I would like the court a brief recess so I can speak with them. This court is adjourned for an hour. Jurors alot has occurred as you saw several Jurors were relieved of their service here and arrested. I am confident you will not discuss this case with others except when you discuss it in private to deliberate.

The judge gets up and leaves. Ann leaves with the four young men and the assistant district attorney.

Jane what is happening? It seems all of their witnesses  have chosen not to testify in this case after Ann's statement.  She is meeting with them to hopefully find the truth and a settlement will be agreed on in your favor. Excuse me Julia.  Morning Maura.  Jane called me last night and talked me into selling the property to you. After we discussed further and she disagreed with my request. I have decided to give you the empty property. We have signed the deed over to you and the transfer of ownership to you 100 percent free.  Please do well for these teens. May I hug you? Yes .

While I am hugging her, I  feel the flask vest on her. She whispers in my ear she is truly sorry for her behavior and assaulting behavior  Please don't hurt Lisa and Jane.  You can move in with us immediately after this trial is over while your home is being renovated. You will only have to pay for the food you eat. I look at her shocked and thank her.

I guess we will be roommates while my house is being worked on. I am building a new teen center with the financial backing of my friends.  I want to thank each and everyone for their support and especially to all the people from Sacramento who flew with Maura on her plane here. I knew Jane and Maura were good people but never realized how many others supported them.  Lupe your new contract is at the hotel.  I discussed with the other partners. As of today , once you sign the resignation document, you will be free to work for as the executive director. Maura has something to add.

I will be contacting the social workers Jane,yourself and myself worked with. I want to get you 16 youth to work with immediately. William and Samantha will be putting them up at the new  Hyatt motel once they are chosen. Excuse me I need to make these phone calls.

Maura left with Hector and Julian following her to make sure she was safe as instructed by my brother,Frankie.

Lisa and Jane things have definitely worked in my favor. Yes it has. Jane and I are happy it is. You were right Jane. I felt it.

You gals can move in when you want too. My bedroom is off limits as well as my office and third floor. I will still be using them. You will get your keys and the guest pass word your own word if the alarm company calls etcetera.  I know this is moving fast. Later once the hearing is done, I need your help I'm buying new furniture. I will be changing the look. I will be having my home office replicated. Excuse me I need to use the ladies restroom   I will go with you as well as the female security. Thank you Lisa. Your welcome.

Ryan thanks for coming. I know you and several others have to leave for taping. Yes and we have checks written out to the fund. We will be getting others and forward them to you. Thank you.

I hugged my friends and entered the restroom to use it.

I hear a some commotion and someone telling me to stay in the stall. I than hear gun shots  I hear Lisa tell me it's okay to come out wash my hands   I come out and see a lady on the floor shot three times and dead. Deputies started entering the bathroom.

We will surrender our service gun and give you our statements. Julia these are two of our friends who came from Sacramento and work for the sheriff's office and the FBI office. This is detective  Halstead and agent Monica Lee a graduate of Everlasting Teen mansion. Thank you both. Mam Monica and I were doing our jobs.

What the hell happened? Babe someone came in here to off Julia.  Monica and Hailey killed her. Thanks we are being called back to court.  Julia and Lisa did you witness this? Babe I did and Julia I told her to stay in the stall until I told her to come out.

Julia left with me.

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