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Katelyn with the addendum to your will I will need two people on the plane you are not leaving anything on the will. Olivia please get one of the pilots and the flight attendant and ask them to bring a photo ID with them. Maura I need you to go to th2 cockpit to switch out for a few minutes to switch out with one.

Olivia and Maura left .

Babe are you sure about the changes? Yes you and my family will receive what I stated as well as Julia. Julia will eventually give up the business as Ryan. I don't know about her portfolio but we all need help from time to time. This is something my mother and grandparents always made sure I knew this. Some will know before I did and others won't.

I hope Maura and Olivia explained to what you will be doing.? Yes. I printed out the entire will with the changes. Katelyn will sign first than you so you can go back to the cockpit. You will be the last.   Yes, Mrs. Rizzoli.  No one is to know of anything in the will. I understand.  Me top. If anything is unclear,  just ask me.

They nodded and showed me their photo identification.  Katelyn initialed and dated all the changes than signed it.

Olivia and Rony helped her to the bathroom to help her take a shower. The co pilot was done first.  I thanked him. He returned to the cockpit.  The flight attendant was next and Jane returned with a scotch to drink. She sat down and sipped it while the flight attendant read the will and signed it.

Dr. Isles I am so sorry.  She nodded as she was finishing off the scotch. She handed her the empty glass.

Please start serving everyone dinner. Yes Dr. Isles.

This is what Katelyn wanted for dinner. Maura made sure the planes had this ahead of time.

We made sure Katelyn's ribs were individually cut with a glass of wine she wanted with a bottle of water

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We made sure Katelyn's ribs were individually cut with a glass of wine she wanted with a bottle of water.

How you feeling all now sis? Better. The sheets were changed. Our dinner is here. Sit down so you can eat. I know Maura you thinking I shouldn't drink wine. I disagree but understand.

We all sat down once she started eating her dinner. We laughed when she took a rib off of Rony's plate and started eating it.

Katelyn I will fax the will to the office and have it be placed in your file. It's completed. Thank you. After I eat I would like alone time with my brother and Sylvie than Juanita and Mathew than so on. Babe your tired. Babe I need to do this. They and I both need closure.  Tomorrow I will do the same with the others. If I am still alive than Penelope than Nia, John and Joy than the people I personally know at the vineyard.  I know I won't make it through all but need to do this. Mom please don't do alot in one day. Sweetie I will pace myself. Okay!

We finished and helped her to the bed and get comfortable as she could be.

Carlo and Sylvie she would like to talk to you two first.  Listen up everyone.  She wants to talk to all of us tonight. Tomorrow she will do the younger generation than employees and so forth. She knows we all need closure with her as she does with each of us. She knows she may not get through all.  Just be honest. She is weak and will need her oxygen mask at times.

Carlo and Sylvie got up and went in first alone.

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