Part 2

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Right after Jen clicked her car door closed for the second time that day, she heard something; it sounded like someone had fallen. She turned her head and was surprised at what she saw.
It was an old woman. An old woman who looked like she was not having a good day. She was struggling to get up, and the contents of her purse had been scattered over the parking lot, making it look like a department store check out line that had been ransacked by racoons. Jen noticed the woman was wearing a jogging suit. She had her hair done in a white and frizzy afro, no doubt the result of a lot of rollers and perm solution. She was halfway out of a car that looked just about as old as her; it was faded blue and the top looked almost purple from years of the sun beating down on it.
"Ma'am? Ma'am, are you ok?" Jen asked as she put down her new box of things and rushed over to see what was wrong.
The woman didn't see Jen until she was about halfway across the parking lot, and even then Jen could see her squinting, which made Jennifer realize that the lady had probably lost her glasses.

"Oh, thank you," the old woman quivered as Jen helped her stand up, find her glasses and put them on her face.
The old woman's face lit up with recognition after a couple moments, and she said,
"I know you! You're that pretty young girl who came in earlier asking about your room!"
"I'm sorry, but do I know you?," Jen asked, wondering for a second if this was some kind of weird fever dream.
"Oh, yes! I manage the rooms," the woman said, as she reached down and grabbed for her purse. "My name's Mrs. Nolton," she said as she patted Jennifer on the shoulder.
Mrs. Nolton walked off, leaving a very confused Jennifer alone in the middle of the parking lot.

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